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Updated: August 26, 2024

He had the virtues of paganism: its sanity, its calmness, and its probity; but of the tenderness of Christianity, and its quenchless aspirations after an indefinable ideal, of that feeling which has incarnated itself in Gothic cathedrals, masses and oratorios, he exhibited but scanty traces. His intellect was above all things self-consistent and incorruptible.

But his lack of learning he could never write a despatch without strange torturings of his mother-tongue was more than made up by a quenchless love of the Fatherland, by a robust common sense, which hit straight at the mark where subtler minds strayed off into side issues, by a comradeship that endeared him to every private, and by a courage that never quailed.

And are they not both struggling with the realities of life, and moved by quenchless desires, and looking up into the same infinite mystery?

He found his grandfather sitting on the veranda behind the big white columns, reading aloud, and gesticulating with one hand: "'But if proud Mortimer do wear this crown, Heaven turn it to a blaze of quenchless fire Or like the snaky wreath of Sisiphon " He looked up irritably at the sound of a step on the weedy driveway, then his eyes snapped with delight. "Hullo hullo! what's this?"

On several distinct occasions, the magic name, Rothschild, was appealed to on his behalf by well-wishers, and through its avenue of almoners it responded with its eternal quenchless unquestioning generosity to students. But Joseph Strelitski always quietly sent back these bounties. He made enough to exist upon by touting for a cigar-firm in the evenings.

So man gone mad, despoils the gentle earth And wages war on beauty and on good. "And yet I know how brief the reign shall be Of Desolation. But a little while, And time shall heal the desecrated lands, The quenchless fire of life shall take its own, The waters of renewal spring again. Quiet shall come, a flood of verdure clothe The fields misused.

Where he sought to intimidate, he only aroused a more stubborn resistance: where he should have allayed national fears, he redoubled them. He did not understand our people: he saw not that, behind our official sluggishness and muddling, there was a quenchless national vitality, which, if directed by a genius, could defy a world-wide combination.

Each system had its centre in great celestial regions which communicated with the flaming and quenchless motor of all that is. Thus, from the greatest to the smallest of the worlds, and from the smallest of the worlds to the smallest portion of the beings who compose it, all was individual, and all was, nevertheless, One and indivisible.

I am little better than a devil at this moment; and, as my pastor there would tell me, deserve no doubt the sternest judgments of God, even to the quenchless fire and deathless worm. Gentlemen, my plan is broken up: what this lawyer and his client say is true: I have been married, and the woman to whom I was married lives! You say you never heard of a Mrs.

In spite of all its shortcomings I have a profound belief that not woman, as the poet has it, but all humanity 'Holds something sacred, something undefiled, Some quenchless gleam of the celestial light." The rain that was temporarily washing the perfume from the flowers pattered against the window-panes and accentuated the silence, till I added

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