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"That," said Benoni, suddenly stopping, "is life with laughter, be it ever so sad and monotonous before. Which do you prefer?" "You are the greatest artist in the world!" cried Nino, enthusiastically; "but I should have been a raving madman if you had played that chord any longer." "Of course," said Benoni, "and I should have gone mad if I had not laughed.

"Corrupted by which gifts, these youths came to prefer selfish licence to public freedom." It happened that at this time the Sabines and Volscians began to stir up a war against Rome, and it was during the alarm thereby occasioned that the decemvirs were first made aware how weak was their position.

When the translator was asked for the reason of this extraordinary prominence of the drug depot subject, he accounted for it by the consummate skill attained by France in medicine and surgery! A small lawyer party is beginning in Belgrade, but they are disliked by the people, who prefer short viva voce procedure, and dislike documents.

Will you wet some tea in the silver teapot which you'll find beyond in " "I'd prefer the brown one," said Meldon, "if it's all the same to you. I hate the taste of plate-powder. I don't think it's likely that Sabina has been wasting her time polishing your silver, but you never can tell what a girl like that would do." "In the brown teapot," shouted Doyle.

They decline to be placed on the microscopic slide or to show their ghostly forms in the glare of the electric light, and prefer to haunt the society of those who do not pester them with too exacting conditions.

His face quite lit up when I hastened to assure him that his library was one of the most impressive collections it had ever been my good fortune to know. "Very few collections," I told him, "bear the impress of a personality. As a rule they are shopfuls of costly masterpieces such as any multi-millionaire may have if he doesn't prefer horses or monkey dinners.

"Ah, but I very much prefer you as you are, Katharine, and 't is not little that you can do. You can inspire men with your own patriotism, if you will. There, for instance, is your friend Talbot.

"Then," quoth MacLean, "since I prefer to travel alone, twill wait here until you have passed the rolling-house in the distance yonder. Good-day to you!" He seated himself upon the stump of a tree, and, giving all his attention to the snow, began to whistle a thoughtful air.

With a few exceptions, they had been purchased second-hand. The tradesman examined them rapidly. 'What do you ask? he inquired, putting his head aside. 'I prefer that you should make an offer, Reardon replied, with the helplessness of one who lives remote from traffic. 'I can't say more than two pounds ten. 'That is at the rate of sixpence a volume ?

There were similar small cups on the table filled with lemonade, and here and there a decanter of Madeira wine, of the Marsala kind, which some prefer to, and many more cannot distinguish from, that which comes from the Atlantic island. "Take a glass of wine, Judge," said, the Colonel; "here is an article that I rather think 'll suit you."