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Another time the Dey confessed with dignified naïveté to Consul Cole: "The Algerines are a company of rogues and I am their Captain!" Several Voyages, 111 ff. See his descendant Adm. Spratt's Travels and Researches in Crete, i. 384-7. Playfair, 64 ff. Voyages, ii. 887. Several Voyages, 57-8. Morgan, Pref. v., vi. Playfair, 94.

DIXERIT QUISPIAM: 'some one will say presently'; a gentle way of introducing one's own objection. The mood of dixerit is probably indicative, not subjunctive; see the thorough discussion in Roby, Gram., Vol. 2, Pref., p. CIV. et seq. Dignitas is social position. ID: remark the singular pronoun, which indicates that the preceding clause is now taken as conveying one idea. Trans.

This end is not obtained the direct contrary appears I find myself surrounded with nothing but perplexity, want and misery by whose fault I know not how to better myself I cannot tell. What notions of good and goodness can this afford me? What ideas of religion? What hopes of a future state? Or why should I endeavor it at all? Pref. viii. The question thus is stated.

For mood see A 312, G 604, H 513, II. QUAM ... INGREDIUNDUM SIT: this construction, the neuter of the gerundive with est followed by an accusative case, is exceedingly rare excepting in two writers, Lucretius and Varro. See the full list of examples given by Roby, Gram., Pref. to vol. 2, p. LXXII. A 294, c, H 371, I. 2, 2, n.

And thei putten his name in here letanyes, as a seynt. Of the evylle Customs used in the Yle of Lamary: and how the Erthe and the See ben of round Forme and schapp, be pref of the Sterre, that is clept Antartyk, that is fix in the Southe. And a 52 iorneyes fro this lond, that I have spoken of, there is another lond, that is fulle gret, that men clepen Lamary.

We talked about it all the evening, turning it in every possible light, and we went to bed anxious for the morning, when we should surely hear from someone what Mr Hoggins thought and recommended; for, as Miss Matty observed, though Mr Hoggins did say "Jack's up," "a fig for his heels," and called Preference "Pref." she believed he was a very worthy man and a very clever surgeon.

Randall, Life of Jefferson, i. 363, 413; and Hist. Mag. i. 52. Burk, Hist. Va. iv. Pref. Rem. vi. See Jefferson's explicit endorsement of Girardin's book in his own Writings, i. 50. Burk, Hist. Va. 189, 190. Wirt, Life of Henry, 204-205. Elliot's Debates, iii. 160. Cited by William Wirt Henry, Hist. Mag. for 1873, 349. Jour. Va. House of Del. 106-108. Jour. Va.

Anderson, voL i. p. 128, 134, Crawford, p. 11. Keith, Pref. p. 9.

The chief are, that this part is both easier, and will sell better. Pref., Vindic. Nat. Soc., p. 6. You will perceive that I have on no occasion sanctioned the baser motives of private pique, envy, revenge, and love of detraction. At least I have not recommended harsh treatment upon any of these grounds.

The sphere of his mighty ministry was not bounded by his defence of the truth against the great and powerful. No! He was as rich a pastor, as terrible a warrior. He fed the sheep in the fattest pastures, while he destroyed the wolves on every side. Nor will those pastures be dried up or lost until time, nations, and the churches of God shall be no more." Dr. Cole's Pref. to Luther on Genesis.