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Updated: August 16, 2024

You must not expect to "leap with a single bound" into the society of those whom it is not flattery to call your betters. You may possibly think me too candid, and even accuse me of incivility; but let me assure you that I am not half so plain-spoken as Nature, nor half so rude as Time. If you prefer the long jolting of public opinion to the gentle touch of friendship, try it like a man.

I desire to recommend my reader to subscribe at once to The Tyre Times, and thus aid to sustain the paper of a gentleman and a scholar, who was, as editors usually are, a plain-spoken, sensible man, conscious of the presence of talent in his sanctum, by 'sympathetic attraction. The editor of the Times looked into the circumstances of my case with an experienced and kindly eye, and then said to me,

Had not Marquis Spinola, a man who could use his brains and his pen as well as his sword, expressly implored the politicians of Madrid not to change even a comma in the form of ratification which he sent to Spain? Verreyken, placed face to face with plain-spoken, straightforward, strong-minded men, felt the dreary absurdity of the position.

Van Dam bowed with grave courtesy, and when he was beyond the reach of Bivens's voice the little dark biographer went on: "Old Van Dam, the founder of the house, whose palaces now crowd Fifth Avenue, was a plain-spoken, hard-swearing, God-fearing, man-hating old scoundrel who put on no airs, but simply went for what he wanted and got it. He was the first big transportation king we developed.

"See here, Monsieur Duchemin since you prefer that style I'm not going to beat about the bush with you. I'm a plain man, plain-spoken. They tell me you reformed. I don't know anything about that. It's my conviction, once a thief, always a thief. I may be wrong." "Right or wrong, monsieur might easily be less offensive." The captain's dark countenance became still more darkly congested.

Wilkins pumped the words out of his husky throat: "I have not heard. I have been riding. I went on business to Mr. Estcourt's. Perhaps you will be so kind as to send and inquire at Mrs. Jackson's." Ellinor sickened at the words. She had been all her life a truthful plain-spoken girl. She held herself high above deceit. Yet, here came the necessity for deceit a snare spread around her.

Well, there's no fool like an old fool," said Lord Essendine, who was a very matter-of-fact, plain-spoken peer. "I always thought she was an adventuress," cried Lady Essendine, angrily. "Then why did you take her up so hotly? But for you, no one would ever have heard of the woman, least of all Cousin Bill." "Well, I have done with her now. I shall drop her." "The mischief's done.

What says brave, plain-spoken St. James? 'Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man. 'From whence come wars and fightings among you? Come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?

Being no notary, this elderly priest wrote out a plain-spoken document, about which there could be no doubt whatever in any court of law in the world, which is probably more than a lawyer could have done. Francisco de Mogente read the paper, and then, propped in the arms of the big friar, he signed his name to it.

"I hardly like to state my difficulties," I began "for I am afraid that I must hurt myself in your eyes by offending your prejudices, if you will pardon so plain-spoken an expression."

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