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Sary sat in the hammock, one foot used to propel herself gently back and forth. The newly-acquired striped dress was such a tight fit for her rubicund form, that it cracked ominously every time the wearer took a deep breath. But the short-coming of the two fronts over her ample bosom was camouflaged with the plaid ribbon and many pins.

I locked him into his room, however, and pocketed the key, and then returning to the kitchen, made up such a blaze as had not shone there for many a long year, and wrapping myself in my plaid, lay down upon the chests and fell asleep. Much rain fell in the night; and the next morning there blew a bitter wintry wind out of the north-west, driving scattered clouds.

At the end of the passage, through the obscurity, could be perceived the low, broken arch of the entrance to the cellar, its heavy door secured with bands of iron, and contrasting strongly in the shade with the plaid shawl and white bonnet of La Chouette. With their united efforts, the door opened, creaking, on its rusty hinges.

Delsarte had on a pair of much-worn embroidered slippers, a velvet calotte, the tassels of which swayed with each of his emotions, and a dilapidated robe de chambre which opened at every movement, disclosing his soiled plaid foulard doing duty for a collar. On my telling him that I desired to take some lessons of him, he asked me to sing something for him.

"Dutch girls with flaxen hair and little caps, and those queer waists with shoulder straps, and thick woollen stockings. Some of them wear wooden shoes. And Irish women with great plaid cloaks and little shawls tied over their heads, short skirts and nailed shoes that clatter on the sidewalk." "I should like to see them," said Daisy. "Joe ought to take you out on St. Patrick's day," returned Ben.

Go, peevish Fool Whose Jealousy believes me given to change, Let thy own Torments be my just Revenge. The End of the First Act. SCENE I. A Chamber in the Doctor's House. An Antick Dance. After the Musick has plaid, enter Elaria; to her Bellemante. Ela. Heavens, Bellemante! Where have you been? Bell. Fatigu'd with the most disagreeable Affair, for a Person of my Humour, in the World.

Allis, going in to put away Tip's little plaid aprons, had stopped, rather pale, upon the threshold. Upon the bed lay some clothing, folded, as before, in rude, hideous imitation of the dead. I took each article in turn, and compared the name and number with the names and numbers in my diary. They were identical throughout.

She remained thinking, then said to herself that she would not go out that afternoon, but would work hard at the baby's unfinished lovely plaid frock, cut on the cross in the newest fashion.

Thoughtfully, he took the braid between thumb and forefinger, and, without disturbing Victorine, dipped the end of it and the green ribbon into the inkwell of his desk. He brought hair and ribbon forth dripping purple ink, and partially dried them on a blotter, though, a moment later when Victorine leaned forward, they were still able to add a few picturesque touches to the plaid waist.

One shepherd would call to another, in the note of the curlew or the miresnipe, and without exciting suspicion, convey from the corner of his plaid the necessary refreshments, even down to a bottle of Nantz. The cave was never entered on such occasions; but the provisions were dropped amidst the rank heather; and a particular whistle immediately secured their disappearance.