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Updated: August 7, 2024

Justin also favours the claim of Pisistratus to this stratagem, lib. xi., c. viii. The most sanguine hope indeed that Cicero seems to have formed with respect to the conduct of Cesar, was that he might deserve the title of the Pisistratus of Rome. His own verses, rather than the narrative of Plutarch, are the evidence of Solon's conduct on the usurpation of Pisistratus. Herod., l. i., c. 49.

Pisistratus bows, and looks round complacently; but recoils from two very peevish and discontented faces feminine. "Not only as regards mildness of temper and other household qualifications, but as regards the very person of the object of his choice. Pisistratus tries to look as if he had the opinion of Bias by heart, and nods acquiescingly.

The people now found out, but too late, that Pisistratus had deceived them only to get more power; and that, thanks to the guard they had voted him, he had become master of the town, and held the reins of the government. The Athenians did not long remain angry with their former favorite, however; for he did all he could to make them happy, and ruled them very wisely.

The citizens, after the senate had decreed the vote was needful, were required to write a name in an oyster shell, and he who had less than six thousand votes was obliged to withdraw within ten days from the city. The wisdom of this measure is proved in the fact that no tyrannical usurpation occurred at Athens after that of Pisistratus.

The substance of the Ancient Wisdom might remain in them; the energy was largely gone. Pisistratus did marvels for Athens; lifting her out of obscurity to a position which should invite great souls to seek birth in her.

We have erred we are prepared to atone for our fault, and to aid you in the chastisement of the Athenians. With this intention we have summoned Hippias and yourselves, that by common counsel and united arms we may restore to the son of Pisistratus the dominion and the dignity of which we have deprived him." The sentiments of the Spartans received but little favour in the assembly.

All this time the Pythia kept continually enjoining on the Lacedaemonians who came to consult the oracle, that they must free Athens; till finally she succeeded in impelling the Spartans to that step, although the house of Pisistratus was connected with them by ties of hospitality.

His dress is the same as that of Pisistratus and Guy, white vest and trousers; loose neckcloth, rather gay in color; broad cabbage-leaf hat; his mustache and beard are trimmed with more care than ours. He has a large whip in his hand, and a gun slung across his shoulders. Greetings are exchanged; mutual inquiries as to cattle and sheep, and the last horses despatched to the Indian market.

The credulous love of the people swept away all precaution the guard was granted. Its number did not long continue stationary; Pisistratus artfully increased the amount, till it swelled to the force required by his designs. He then seized the citadel the antagonist faction of Megacles fled and Pisistratus was master of Athens.

On the other hand, when Pisistratus introduced the worship of Olympian Zeus on a great scale into Athens and built the Olympieum, he seems to have brought him straight from Olympia in Elis. Fortunately this puzzle can be solved. The Olympians belong to both places. It is merely a case of tribal migration. As soon as this point is clear, we understand also why there is more than one Mount Olympus.

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