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After the paste is rolled out thin and the pie-plate lined with it, put in a layer of prunes that have been stewed the day before, with the addition of several slices of lemon and no sugar. Split the prunes in halves and remove the pits before laying them on the pie crust.

Mix with some sweetbread and mushrooms chopped. Season with salt, pepper and lemon-juice. Add a sprig of parsley and a little onion chopped fine. Mix with a beaten egg and bread-crumbs; sprinkle with nutmeg. Form into croquettes. Dip in beaten egg and fine bread-crumbs and fry in deep hot lard. Serve hot with a cream sauce. German Cheese Pie. Line a pie-plate with a rich pie-dough.

From MRS. AUGUSTA TRUMAN, of California, Alternate Lady Manager-at-Large. Hull and rinse one quart of perfectly ripe berries; put in a bowl with one large cup of granulated sugar; cut do not mash with a silver spoon and set away in the ice-box for two hours. Make a rich biscuit dough, adding double quantity of butter; roll out one inch thick and bake in a deep pie-plate.

Approved. To make conserve of Any of these Fruits. When you have boiled your paste as followeth ready to fashion on the Pie-plate, put it up into Gallipots, and never dry it, and this is all the difference between Conserves. And so you may make Conserves of any Fruits, this is for all hard Fruits, as Quinces, Pippins, Oranges and Lemons.

Mix well and press into pie-plate with hands, as it is impossible to roll the dough. Have dough one-quarter inch thick. Dip in boiling salted water for one minute, one matzoth for each person to be served. Put the soaked matzoth in a dish, pour over it a little olive oil and grated cheese and repeat this until you have made as many layers as you have persons to serve; cut in slices and serve.

LEMON PIE, No. 1 Cover the reverse side of a deep pie-plate with a rich puff paste, and bake a light brown. Remove from the oven until the filling is prepared. Take a large juicy lemon, grate and peel and squeeze out every drop of juice. Now take the lemon and put it into a cup of boiling water to extract every particle of juice.

Roll out the other piece for the top crust, fold it over the rolling pin, cut a few gashes in it for a steam vent. Carefully put on the top crust, trim it well about the edge of the pie-plate. Press it closely together with the end of your thumb or with a pastry knife and stand the pie in a moderate oven and bake till the surface is a delicate brown.

Crush finely with a rolling pin, one large Boston cracker; put it into a bowl and pour upon it one teacupful of cold water; add one teacupful of fine white sugar, the juice and pulp of one lemon, half a lemon rind grated and a little nutmeg; line the pie-plate with half puff paste, pour in the mixture, cover with the paste and bake half an hour. These are proportions for one pie.

Line a pie-plate with a rich crust and fill with the following mixture: One cup of vinegar, two of water and two cups of sugar, boil; add a lump of butter and enough cornstarch to thicken; flavor with lemon essence and put in a shell and bake. Add a quarter of a pound of sugar and the yolks of six eggs; stir all together in one direction until quite thick.

Line your pie-plate with a rich paste, slice pineapples as thin as possible, sprinkle sugar over them abundantly and put flakes of sugar here and there. Cover and bake. You may make pineapple pies according to any of the plain apple pie recipes. PINEAPPLE PIE, No. 2