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Paul Slevogt, a famous Professor at Jena in Thuringia, whose still extant treatises prove how well versed he was in Scholastic philosophy, as also in Hebrew literature, had published in his youth under the title of Pervigilium a little book 'de dissidio Theologi et Philosophi in utriusque principiis fundato', bearing on the question whether God is accidentally the cause of sin.

Assembly's Catechism. Plebeii videntur appellandi omnes philosophi qui

Loquuntur autem de numero rationali et formali, non de materiali, sensibili, sive vocali numero mercatorum.... Sed intendunt ad proportionem ex illo resultantem, quem numerum naturalem et formalem et rationalem vocant; ex quo magna sacramenta emanant, tam in naturalibus quam divinis atque coelestibus.... In numeris itaque magnam latere efficaciam et virtutem tam ad borum quam ad malum, non modo splendidissimi philosophi unanimiter docent, sed etiam doctores Catholici."

For the men of learning of those epochs, God, devil, angels, demons, hid the whole of Nature; no investigation was carried out to the end, no matter sifted to the bottom; everything that was beyond the most obvious causal nexus was immediately attributed to these; so that, as Pomponatius expressed himself at the time, Certe philosophi nihil verisimile habent ad haec, quare necesse est, ad Deum, ad angelos et daemones recurrere.

Strictly speaking minutus ought to be used of things which are fragments of larger things, minutus being really the participle passive of minuo. Cf. 46 pocula minuta; also below, 85 minuti philosophi. MALLEOLI: vine-cuttings; so called because a portion of the parent stem was cut away with the new shoot, leaving the cutting in the shape of a mallet.

The philosophi, here mentioned by Capitoline, are by some supposed to be the Christians; and for many reasons we believe it; and we understand the molestations of the public services and of private individuals, here charged upon them, as a very natural reference to the Christian doctrines falsely understood.

Nicholas, at Aberdeen, with the following inscription from the pen of Dr. James Gregory, Professor of Physic, at Edinburgh. Memoriae. Sacrum. JACOBI. BEATTIE. LL.D. Ethices. In. Academia. Marescallana. hujus. Urbis. Per. XLIII. Annos. Professoris. Meritissimi. Viri. Pietate. Probitate. Ingenio. atque. Doctrina. Praestantis. Scriptoris. Elegantissimi. Poetae. Suavissimi. Philosophi. Vere.