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Splint-pressure sores are usually situated over bony prominences, such as the malleoli, the condyles of the femur or humerus, the head of the fibula, the dorsum of the foot, or the base of the fifth metatarsal bone. On removing the splint, the skin of the part pressed upon is found to be of a red or pink colour, with a pale grey patch in the centre, which eventually sloughs and leaves an ulcer.

The inner edge can be felt, but not so plainly. The head of the fibula is a good landmark on the outer side of the leg, about one inch below the top of the tibia. The shaft of the fibula arches backwards and is buried deep among the muscles, except at the lower fourth, which can be distinctly felt. The malleoli form the great landmarks of the ankle.

Strictly speaking minutus ought to be used of things which are fragments of larger things, minutus being really the participle passive of minuo. Cf. 46 pocula minuta; also below, 85 minuti philosophi. MALLEOLI: vine-cuttings; so called because a portion of the parent stem was cut away with the new shoot, leaving the cutting in the shape of a mallet.

At least once a day, the sacrum, buttocks, shoulder-blades, heels, elbows, malleoli, or other parts exposed to pressure, must be sponged with soap and water, thoroughly dried, and then rubbed with methylated spirit, which is allowed to dry on the skin. Dusting the part with boracic acid powder not only keeps it dry, but prevents the development of bacteria in the skin secretions.

He bled from the nose, and lost consciousness for about forty-five minutes; he was carried to the Hotel-Dieu where it was found that he had considerable difficulty in breathing; the regions about the external malleoli were contused and swollen, but by the eighth day the patient had recovered.