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Updated: August 14, 2024

'I think, my dear, stories of that class are, as a rule, a trifle crude. Eh, Drake? Miss Le Mesurier on the instant became personified submission. 'Of course, papa, she said, 'if you have reason for believing the story isn't suitable, I wouldn't think of asking Mr. Drake to tell it. Mr. Le Mesurier raised his hands in a gesture of despair, and looked again at Mrs. Willoughby.

This rather uncomfortable-looking tableau signified in as speaking a manner as symbols can that the unfortunate skull had once belonged to some more unfortunate lucky digger, who not having had the sense to sell his gold to the proprietor of this attractive window had kept his nuggets in his pocket, thereby tempting some robbers significantly personified by the revolver to shoot him, and steal the gold.

"And did he never marry?" "Oh, no, Max!" replied his sister, rather reproachfully. "How could he do so? How can you ask such a question? He is faithfulness personified." "How could I know that, dearest sister?" said Max soothingly. "I could not be expected to know that your gifted and inestimable friend possessed also the quality of steadfastness. But tell me some more about Wisi.

"What fiend do you allude to?" asked Miss Heathcote, with increasing interest. "A fiend hardly presentable in good society," replied Belmont, bitterly. "One could tolerate a Mephistophiles a dignified fiend, with his pockets full of money but my tormentor, if personified, would appear with seedy boots and a shocking bad hat." "How absurd!"

Hence, designating that mythical being as the only begotten of the Father, they personified him as God the Son, or second person in the sacred Triad; and recognizing the Sun as the ruling star, very appropriately made him the presiding genius of that luminary, under the title of God Sol.

She was the type of woman with whom, as a boy, he would have fallen desperately in love, seeing her as poetry personified. And she was the type of woman, all indolent and indifferent as she was, who took it for granted that people would fall desperately in love with her. Her long gaze, now, told him that.

The delicate tints of her face seem to have been borrowed from the complexion of the white rose when she is grave, and take that of the red rose when she blushes, and that up to the brow. The expression of the clear-arched brow is personified sweet temper, in complete accord with the innocent look of the expressive blue eyes; on the tender lips lies a mixture of devoted regard and modest shyness.

Between the two former there were placed statues of the purest marble; what fabled god or goddess they were sculptured to represent, I know not; I only felt that they personified male and female beauty. I was too agitated to permit myself to notice them accurately.

Because rationality itself is a wilful exercise one hears Hymns to Reason and sees it personified as an extremely dignified goddess. For all the light and shadow of sentiment and passion play even about the syllogism. The attempts of theorists to explain man's successes as rational acts and his failures as lapses of reason have always ended in a dismal and misty unreality.

Her strength was restored by the fresh meat, and her childish spirits had risen with the hope of safety. The mercurial little creature had wreathed seaweed about her head, and holding in her hand a long twig decorated with a tuft of leaves to represent a wand, she personified one of the heroines of her books. "I am the Queen of the Island," she said merrily, "and you are my obedient subjects.

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