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Updated: August 19, 2024

For my pawt, I think servants hauve the longest pair of ears of auny persons, not excepting jauckasses; their ears stretch from the pauntry to the parlour. Hush, sir! perticler good madeira, this!" "Sir!" said Mr. Beaufort, struggling to preserve, or rather recover, his temper, "your conduct is exceedingly strange; but allow me to say that you are wholly misinformed.

For my pawt, I think servants hauve the longest pair of ears of auny persons, not excepting jauckasses; their ears stretch from the pauntry to the parlour. Hush, sir! perticler good madeira, this!" "Sir!" said Mr. Beaufort, struggling to preserve, or rather recover, his temper, "your conduct is exceedingly strange; but allow me to say that you are wholly misinformed.

He had to draw his nose slowly through his thumb and two fingers before he could quite command himself. Mary relieved him by responding: "No, Mr. Richling hasn't been well for some time." Narcisse responded triumphantly: "It stwuck me so soon I pe'ceive you that you 'ave the ai' of a valedictudina'y. Thass a ve'y fawtunate that you ah 'esiding in a 'ealthsome pawt of the city, in fact."

Ellen had been fishing with Mary Repetto, and they caught eight. There was such a happy scene here a few days ago. Graham was paving the pathway in front of the house with big flat stones and had a bevy of little boys helping. I much delighted them by giving each one an acorn to plant. Next day I asked Charlie what he done with his. He replied, "It's in a pawt." Wednesday, May 23.

"Anna, by Jupiter," he cried, as he stepped from the pavement at the very corner of Dover Street "well, if my luck don't beat cock-fighting. Where are you off to, Anna what have you done with the shoving-machine? I thought you never aired the gee-gees now. Something new for you, isn't it? May I get in and have a pawt? We shall be fined forty bob and costs at Marlborough Street if we hold up the traffic. Say, you look ripping in this char

Do you come, on the part of the young man, to propose a compromise? If so, be plain!" "I come on my own pawt. It rests with you to say if the young men shall never know it!" "And what do you want?" "Five hundred a year as long as the secret is kept." "And how can you prove that there is a secret, after all?" "By producing the witness if you wish."

The bes' of fwen's muz pawt, you know." He turned again to Richling with a face all beauty and a form all grace. "I was juz sitting mistfully all at once I says to myseff, 'Faw distwaction I'll go an' see Mistoo Itchlin. I don't know 'ow I juz 'appen'! Well, au 'evo', Mistoo Itchlin." Richling followed him out upon the door-step.

Do you come, on the part of the young man, to propose a compromise? If so, be plain!" "I come on my own pawt. It rests with you to say if the young men shall never know it!" "And what do you want?" "Five hundred a year as long as the secret is kept." "And how can you prove that there is a secret, after all?" "By producing the witness if you wish."

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