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If only fitting leaders are to be found at the centres of the movement, these standards will at once be sent out, and with them arms for the country-folk. A place of meeting has already been selected in each province, the pass-word will be given, and a day fixed for a general rising." "And they will flock round you!" interrupted Karnis, "and I, my son, will not be absent.

"The pass-word; the pass-word," demanded the ruffianly pair. "Give the pass-word at once, or by I'll split your skull with this cutlass."

Nay, Pompey himself was in danger of being killed by a soldier, who asked him the pass-word, and did not receive a speedy answer. At length, however, he routed the enemy with great slaughter; not above three thousand of them escaping out of twenty thousand.

Rebellious phrases passed from mouth to mouth, and many a one boasted how he would thrash this or that corporal or sergeant when once he was in civilian dress. "When once one is in civilian dress" that seemed to be the noisy pass-word given out for the evening.

That this boy was disguised suggested that he was in fear for his life; but, if so, why was he there? How did he come to know the pass-word of the conspiracy? For what mysterious reason did he offer himself as a guide to the haunted place of meeting? Who was this boy?

When she went to the fight she covered her breasts with cocoa-nut leaflets that the enemy might not see she was a woman, and the distinguishing mark or pass-word of her troops was a few cocoa-nut leaflets bound round the waist.

He accompanied me to the head of the stairs, and in loud voice ordered the guards to let me pass out that it was "all right." With this he passed into the hall. The guard at the head of the stairs duly let me pass. At the middle of the stairs Dr. Rabe, who so well knew me, and must have heard Dows' order, demanded the pass-word, and refused to allow me to proceed.

On reaching his hotel, he chose two pairs of boxing gloves, a set of rapiers, and a case of duelling pistols; and, thus loaded, descended to his fiaker, tossed them in, and started off in the direction of the nearest hotel. “Le Comte de Barbebiche”—that was the pass-word; but everywhere it failed to elicit the desired reply.

The infant had invented a name for the diversion; he called it "Hoodaloo mungie" which being translated signified "Hold your finger". To the mother this was like the pass-word of some secret order of demons, who preyed upon and racked her in the night; so that never after in her life could she hear the phrase, even in jest, without experiencing a nervous shock. Section 6.

The service of the chateau went on as usual; but La Fayette gave the pass-word without first receiving it from the king. The iron gates of the courts and gardens were locked. The royal family submitted to La Fayette the list of persons whom they desired to receive. Sentinels were placed at every door, in every passage, in the corridors between the chambers of the king and queen.