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Now this war-cry supplied, as doubtless the raven had foreseen, the very link that was wanting to bind the immense crowd of wood-pigeons together. Thenceforward they had a common sign and pass-word, and were no longer scattered.

Clarence gave the Scout's Siquand, the pass-word. The boy's demeanour changed instantly. He saluted with the utmost respect. A short speech, but one that meant salvation for the motherland. The days following Clarence's visit to the offices of the Encore were marked by a growing feeling of unrest, alike among invaded and invaders.

Does God, whose presence cannot be hindered by bolt, and who comes in without a pass-word, and is making up His record for the judgment-day, approve of the blasphemies you utter? You think that there is no special danger, yet acknowledge that you have felt queer sometimes. Your head was not right, and your stomach was disturbed. I will tell you what was the matter. You were drunk.

I once thought it a glorious thing to be an author, to touch the electric wire of sentiment, and know that thousands would thrill at the shock, to speak, and believe that unborn millions would hear the music of those echoing words, to possess the wand of the enchanter, the ring of the genii, the magic key to the temple of temples, the pass-word to the universe of mind.

At seven o'clock every evening, the detachments who are to be on guard, during the night, at the different military posts, are drawn up in front of the said building, receive the pass-word, and then, headed by the drums and fifes, march off to their respective stations. Every Sunday and Thursday evening too, at this hour, the French band plays for a short time in the Piazza.

Calm and resolute, he gave the pass-word with haughty bearing to the sentinel and entered his tent. Ephraim was still lying on his couch, smiling as if under the thrall of pleasant dreams. Hosea threw himself on a mat beside him to seek strength for the hard duties of the coming day.

'No mercy' is the pass-word for the night, an' by the sacred oath I swore beyant in the chapel, any one among yez that will attempt to show it, will find none at my hand. Surround the house, boys, I tell ye, I hear them stirring. 'No quarter no mercy, is the ordher of the night."

In the cross-valley about a thousand paces farther north to the northwest of our stronghold the surprise is to be effected. Try to get through, and warn Rameses; the Egyptian pass-word is 'Bent-Anat, the name of the king's favorite daughter. But even if you had wings, and could fly straight to him, they would overpower him if I cannot succeed in turning the left wing on the rear of the enemy."

And though he made pretence of sleep, I think he understood, for he answered, yawning, that if they but had the pass-word, 'Antony, fifty Syrian merchants might go through about their lawful business.

"Oh!" thought I, "how the light of Hell casts a strange coloring over the things of earth, thereby creating false theories of mortal life." By means of the pass-word Mr. World was enabled to visit the next department where he witnessed sights more revolting than in any place previously entered. Here groveled the youth under the power of so-called stimulating medicaments. Mr.