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When his sentence was announced, it exhibited no change; and he saw all the pale-men depart, with the calmness he had maintained throughout. It was only as Uncas, attended by the body of his party and the two white superintendents who had been left, approached, that his spirit seemed to awaken.

The whoop was heard that night; many died, and the Narragansetts took scalps. Thou seest this lodge of stone, over which fire has passed. There was then a cunning place above, and in it the pale-men went to fight for their lives. But the fire kindled, and then there was no hope. The soul of Conanchet was moved at that sight, for there was much honesty in them within.

Can he fight with the God of the Yengeese? He is too weak. An Indian is but a man, though his skin be red!" "I look into the clouds, at the trees, among the lodges," said the other, affecting to gaze curiously at the different objects he named, "but I cannot see the white Manitou. The pale-men were talking to him when we raised the whoop in their fields, and yet he has not heard them.

Now let my wise men hearken, that they may grow more cunning, as the snows settle on their heads. The pale-men have a secret to make the black seem white!" "Narragansett "

Half gate half no gate. So easy, 'shamed to brag of. Cap'in once Nick's friend went on same war-path dat in ole time. Both warrior; both went ag'in French garrison. Well; who crept in, close by cannon, open gate, let pale-men in. Great Tuscarora do dat; no flog, den no talk of ole sore, dat night!"

He listened to the little explanation of the other, with grave courtesy, and suffered a short time to elapse before he made any reply. "The Manitou of the pale-men," he then said "should he pleased with my father. His words are often in the ears of the Great Spirit! The trees and the rocks know them."

As usual there was no greeting between the Indians for some moments, the three appearing to regard the arrival as a mere thing of course. But the uneasiness of Metacom prompted a communication sooner than common. "Mohtucket," he said, in the language of their tribe, "hath lost the trail of his friends. We thought the crows of the pale-men were picking his bones!"

"I had thought that Miantonimoh was still a warrior in his tribe," she said. "In what battle did he fall?" "Mohican Uncas did that wicked deed. The Pale-men gave him great riches to murder the Sachem." "Thou speakest of the father; but there was another Miantonimoh; he who in boyhood dwelt among the people of white blood."

In one part it is dark, and as the worm taketh the color of the leaf on which he crawls, there the hunters are black; in another part it is white, and that is the part where pale-men were born, and where they should die; or they may miss the road which leads to their happy hunting-grounds.

But his companion was not so easily satisfied, for he felt the consciousness of a fruitless attempt at deception goading him to some plausible means of quieting the suspicions of the Indian. "That I am now alone, may be matter of pleasure or of accident," he added; "thou knowest that this hath been a busy and a bloody day among the pale-men, and there are dead and dying in their lodges.