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Updated: August 20, 2024

This tendency to plunge head foremost at an adversary and to find any other gentleman an adversary on sight evidently does not pertain to sheep, to genus ovis; but to any male creature with horns.

The wild quadrupeds are huge sheep, in flocks of fifty, the Ovis Ammon called "Gnow." I never shot one, not having time to pursue them for they were very seldom seen, and always at great elevations. The larger marmot is common, and I found the horns of the "Tchiru" antelope. Neither the wild horse, fox, hare, nor tailless rat, cross the Donkia pass.

When I saw him pitching outward from the rock, I fancied he was making one of those singular somersaults, frequently practised by the ovis ammon in descending the ledges of a cliff. But no. Had the descent been a voluntary one, he would have come down upon his huge elastic horns, instead of falling as he had done, with the dull sodden sound of a lifeless body?

For it was the custom for commanders, in their triumph, to immolate an ox, but in their ovation, a sheep: hence they named it Ovation, from the Latin ovis. It is worth observing, how exactly opposite the sacrifices appointed by the Spartan legislator are, to those of the Romans.

He is not killed, but the most cruel tortures are devised for him. When heavy winter snow falls in the Alai valley, the wolves return to the higher wilds of the Pamir where the snow lies less deep, and here they chase the wild sheep, Ovis Poli, as it is named after its discoverer, Marco Polo. It has large, round, elegantly curved horns and is somewhat larger than the wild sheep of Tibet.

Ovis dalli kenaiensis, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska . Ovis canadensis cremnobates, Lower California. The standing of Ovis fannini has been in doubt ever since its description, and recent specimens appear to throw still more doubt on it. Those most familiar with our sheep do not now, I believe, acknowledge it as a valid species.

These forms, with the localities from which the types have come, are as follows: Ovis canadensis, interior of western Canada. Ovis canadensis auduboni, Bad Lands of South Dakota. Ovis nelsoni, Grapevine Mountains, boundary between California and Nevada. Ovis mexicanus, Lake Santa Maria, Chihuahua, Mexico. Ovis dalli, mountains on Forty-Mile Creek, west of Yukon River, Alaska.

Thank God, my son, for this great mercy,” said Cæcilius, “that, though you have relaxed, you have never severed yourself from the peace of the Church, you have not denied your God.” Agellius sighed bitterly. “O my father,” he said, “ ‘Erravi, sicut ovis quæ periit.’ I have been very near denying Him, at least by outward act. You do not know me; you cannot know what has come on me lately.

The small game: deer, antlered, striped, and spotted; wildsheep, ovis poli, TeddyRooseveltshot and Audubonprinted, mountaingoats leaping in terror to hazardous safety on babel's top, upward to the pinpoint where no angels dance. But not alone.

Bengel, in his usual pointed way, expresses the specific varieties which characterize the three successive views of men's sin, as stupidity, want of self-consciousness, and the positive choice of evil by an intelligent but depraved being. "Ovis, drachma, filius perditus: peccator stupidus, sui plane nescius, sciens et voluntarius."

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