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Where the head is educated away from the hand and the number fitted for ministerial and professional duties far overruns the demand for service, a heavy burden is imposed upon the producing masses. At the same time thousands are graduated every year for positions that have only a prospective existence.

State of the Republic after the Peace of Munster State of England William II. Stadtholder His ambitious Designs and Violent Conduct Attempts to seize on Amsterdam His Death Different Sensations caused by his Death The Prerogatives of the Stadtholder assumed by the People Naval War with England English Act of Navigation Irish Hostilities Death of Tromp A Peace with England Disturbed State of the Republic War with Denmark Peace concluded Charles II. restored to the English Throne Declares War against Holland Naval Actions Charles endeavors to excite all Europe against the Dutch His Failure Renewed Hostilities De Ruyter defeated Peace of Breda Invasion of Flanders by Louis XIV. He overruns Brabant and Flanders Triple League, 1668 Perfidious Conduct of Charles II. He declares War against Holland, etc., as does Louis XIV. Unprepared State of United Provinces William III. Prince of Orange Appointed Captain-General and High Admiral Battle of Solebay The French Invade the Republic The States-General implore Peace Terms demanded by Louis XIV. and by Charles II. Desperation of the Dutch The Prince of Orange proclaimed Stadtholder Massacre of the De Witts Fine Conduct of the Prince of Orange He takes the Field Is reinforced by Spain, the Emperor, and Brandenburg Louis XIV. forced to abandon his Conquests Naval Actions with the English A Peace, 1674 Military Affairs Battle of Senef Death of De Ruyter Congress for Peace at Nimeguen Battle of Mont Cassel Marriage of the Prince of Orange Peace of Nimeguen.

When the piston approaches the bottom end of its stroke the upper edge first overruns an exhaust port, and almost immediately after uncovers an inlet port on the opposite side of the cylinder and in communication with the crank chamber; the entering charge, being under pressure, assists in expelling the exhaust gases from the cylinder.

In our little town, which is a sample of many, life is as interesting, as pathetic, as joyous as ever it was; no group of weavers was better to look at or think about than the rivulet of winsome girls that overruns our streets every time the sluice is raised, the comedy of summer evenings and winter firesides is played with the old zest and every window-blind is the curtain of a romance.

A brave and adventurous prince, at the head of a population at once poor, warlike, and greedy, overruns a vast tract, and acquires extensive dominion, while his successors, abandoning themselves to sensuality and sloth, probably also to oppressive and irascible dispositions, become in process of time victims to those same qualities in another prince and people which had enabled their own predecessor to establish their power.

I needn't go at length into the subject of adulteration, for every one knows what kind of a part it plays in this sort of commerce; but remember that it is an absolutely necessary incident to the production of profit out of wares, which is the business of the so- called manufacturer; and this you must understand, that, taking him in the lump, the consumer is perfectly helpless against the gambler; the goods are forced on him by their cheapness, and with them a certain kind of life which that energetic, that aggressive cheapness determines for him: for so far-reaching is this curse of commercial war that no country is safe from its ravages; the traditions of a thousand years fall before it in a month; it overruns a weak or semi- barbarous country, and whatever romance or pleasure or art existed there, is trodden down into a mire of sordidness and ugliness; the Indian or Javanese craftsman may no longer ply his craft leisurely, working a few hours a day, in producing a maze of strange beauty on a piece of cloth: a steam-engine is set a-going at Manchester, and that victory over nature and a thousand stubborn difficulties is used for the base work of producing a sort of plaster of china-clay and shoddy, and the Asiatic worker, if he is not starved to death outright, as plentifully happens, is driven himself into a factory to lower the wages of his Manchester brother worker, and nothing of character is left him except, most like, an accumulation of fear and hatred of that to him most unaccountable evil, his English master.

Swat again!! I am stabbed in the neck. I am bringing up the rear and getting more than my share. There is no retreat, and the plunging horses ahead, on a precarious trail, promise little safety. My horse overruns Charmian's horse, and that sensitive creature, fresh-stung at the psychological moment, planks one of his hoofs into my horse and the other hoof into me.

Suppose it overruns you, and you get hurt, like Father did this afternoon," Miles said in a troubled tone, as Katherine prepared to go forward with the hand sledge, while he followed behind with the dogs. "I don't intend to let it overrun me, so there is no need to worry. In fact there is much more danger for you if the dogs hear the wolves and try to bolt.

These regulations, originating in that supercilious assumption of superiority which sometimes overruns and degrades true British pride, would have been spurned by Washington, as insulting to the character and conduct of his high-minded brethren of the colonies.

"We shut our eyes, the flowers bloom on; We murmur, but the corn-ears fill; We choose the shadow, but the sun That casts it shines behind us still." "O favors every year made new! O gifts with rain and sunshine sent! The bounty overruns our due, The fulness shames our discontent."