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"Blast yuh!" he said thickly, when he could speak. "Guess yuh got me, Cotton-picker. I don't know yet how yuh done it." He tried to seize the gun, but The Kid was too quick for him. "None o' that," he drawled. "Get up! Yo're takin' me to the othahs. Move pronto to the Yellow Houses!" A cunning look mingled with the hate in Blacksnake's swollen eyes. "They'll kill yuh," he sneered.

"That's what I used to despise at the Seminary," interrupted Lloyd. "I always felt like pah't of a circus parade, or an inmate of some asylum, out for an airing. Keeping in step and keeping in line with a lot of othahs made a punishment out of the walk, when it would have been such a pleasuah if we could have skipped along as we pleased.

"Grasshoppah sett'n on a swee' p'tater vine," The Boy droned sleepily as he untied the leathern thongs that kept up his muckluck legs "Swee' p'tater vine, swee' p'ta " "All those othahs" the Colonel waved a hand in the direction of Pymeut "I think we dreamed 'em, Boy. You and me playing the Big Game with Fohtune. Foolishness! Klondyke? Yoh crazy.

"Those owners who were good gave their slaves lan but de othahs jus turned de slaves loose to wander roun'. Othahs try to fine out where dere people were and went to them. "One day I seed a man who was a doctor down dere, an' I says, 'You doktah now? An says 'No, I doan doktah no mow. I work foh him once when I was slave, few days durin de war.

Some what I drives jes looks at de towah an' nuver gits out de ker'ige; an' den othahs jes peers into ev'ythin'. Foh myse'f, now, I nuver keers much 'bout dese ole sceneries; but den I reckon I would ef I was rich." That first little four-acre James Towne, located in the neighbourhood of the present Confederate fort, soon outgrew its palisades.

Gentleman John obeyed. "My men will kill yuh fer this!" he raged. "Yo' haven't any men, sah. They're done. And now yo' are done." Kid Wolf rolled a cigarette and lighted it over the lamp chimney. "Gentleman John," he drawled, "whoevah named yo' suah had a sense of humah. Yo' are a murderah, and a cowardly one, because yo' have othahs do yo' dirty work."