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In conclusion, the class made a quarter-turn to the right and as they thus stood in parallel rows, took hold of each other's hands. At teacher's command, they swung their arms back and forth vigorously to an accompaniment of the inevitable "one-two, one-two." John's was a back seat, thanks to skillful maneuvering on the opening day of school, and flaxen-haired Olga occupied the desk ahead.

I ask Tomor'rountikai to tell us about the So'kus Wai'unats, or One-Two Boys, and to this he agrees. The long winter evenings of an Indian camp are usually devoted to the relation of mythologic stories, which purport to give a history of an ancient race of animal gods.

I shall be a mental wreck and go 'round muttering, one-two three four, one two three four flat your b's, sharp your c's one two three four play!" For Billy all day toiled at pianos, teaching unwilling little persons to play. Billy's long name was Wilhelmina. They were all toilers worker-B's.

And when one had quaffed of the magical bowl, he found it still full; and he gave it to the other to drink, and still it was full; and the One-Two gave it to the people, and one after another did they all drink, and still the cup was full to the brim. But Shinau'av was dead, and all the people mourned, for he was a great man.

There was a vast number of them, so that when they were stretched out in line it was one day's journey from the front to the rear of the column. When they had journeyed two days and were far out on the desert all the people thirsted, for they found no water, and they fell down upon the sand groaning, and murmuring that they had been deceived, and they cursed the One-Two.

Just four straight steps as if you were walking down the street. That's it! One-two-three-four! Don't look at me. Look at my feet. And a one-two three-four." Red-faced, they were. Very earnest. Pathetically eager and docile. Weeks of drilling had taught them to obey commands.

Now, step out with me. One-two, one-two, one-two." Her ankles bent over until they touched the ice, and her breath came in quick, nervous gasps. Nevertheless, she followed bravely over a scant ten feet of the rink. "Isn't that easy?" She nodded with an assurance which she was far from feeling. "My skate strap hurts. The right one. Loosen it, John." He knelt to make the necessary alteration.

You're not dead yet, eh!" Crillon called to us. Marie was looking at me and could not speak. "In step! One-two!" cried Adjutant Marcassin, striding along the detachment. We crossed our quarter as the day declined over it.

Bracing his elbows, Shelby bore his whole weight forward, counted three, sat back upon his knees, counted two, and so continued, down "one-two-three," up "one-two," with the quiet assurance of a surgeon. The younger man watched his every movement with wondering respect. The operator interrupted his meditations. "Get hold of his tongue with your handkerchief," he ordered.

They are finely various and depart almost entirely from the one-two, one-two, the one-two-three, one-two-three that makes monotonous so much of Chopin. At moments, the tones of the piano march with some of the now festive, now majestic, now solemn, movement of the orchestral processionals of a Moussorgsky and a Borodin.