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Such an ideal of the Christian Ministry is as remote as possible from that of a sacerdotal caste, or indeed of anything that has to do with a harsh and perfunctory officialism. Its position is totally different from that of an agency of mediation between man and God, between the Church and her Lord.

To recognize his prophetic office as giving expression to that mission of the Holy Ghost of which he is preeminently the representative, to illustrate it upon a wider instead of a narrower field, to recognize and seize the greater opportunities for its exercise, to be indeed "a leader and commander" to the people, not by means of the petty mechanisms of officialism, but by the strong, strenuous, and unwearied proclamation of the truth; under all conditions to make the occasion somehow a stepping-stone to that mount of vision from which men may see God and righteousness and become sensible of the nearness of both to themselves, this, I think you will agree with me, is no unworthy use of the loftiest calling and the loftiest gifts.

The morbid distrust of genius which has ever been incidental to ordinary Government officialism, was at that time particularly prevalent. The only fault to be found with Burton's conduct at Damascus, was that, instead of serving his own interest, he had attempted to serve the interests of his country and humanity.

His stiff, grim figure, the embodiment of officialism, in full Court dress, was supported on either hand by his secretary and interpreter, almost as resplendent as himself. Behind His Excellency rode the attachés and other officials, then the ladies; newspaper correspondents, artists, and other non-official guests, bringing up the rear.

Look about you, and tell me if from this point of view there is any career finer than that of an artist who is conscious of his mission? The Army? The Law? The University? Politics?" And then follows a rather cold appreciation of these different careers. "There is no need to mention the excessive bureaucracy and officialism which is the crying evil of this country.

Acknowledgment has been made of the better condition of Porto Rico than of Cuba, but the trail of the serpent of colonial Spanish government appears. Mr. Alfred Somamon writes in the Independent: "The internal administration of the island disposes of a budget of about $3,300,000, and is a woeful example of corrupt officialism.

Finally, the inevitable reversion to an appreciation of the romantic values of life will make a connexion with names of ancient lineage desirable to the leading classes, and especially to the aristocracy of officialism. This aristocracy of officialism forms the second of the new strata which will come to light.

Had Lord Shaftesbury been a Cabinet Minister, this triumph of officialism would probably not have occurred. What I have said of this favourite hero of mine in his public aspects will have prepared the sympathetic reader for the presentment of the man as he appeared in private life. For what he was abroad that he was at home. He was not a man who showed two natures or lived two lives.

He had vowed war in his youth against the 'demon of chicane. He had now learned that the name of the demon was 'Legion. To cast him out, it would be necessary to cast out the demon of officialism; and we shall see what this bit of knowledge presently implied. Ibid. x. 198-99. Ibid. x. 317. Ibid. x. 270. Works, x. 282. Works, x. 296. Ibid. x. 304. Ibid. x. 292. Ibid. x. 300. Works, x. 315.

I remember the last words of the chaplain before leaving the prison, cold and precise in their officialism: 'Mind you never come back here again, young man. And now, as though in response to my earnest effort to keep from going to prison, society, by its actions, cried out, 'Go back to gaol. There are honest men enough to do our work without such as you. "Imagine, if you can, my condition.