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Patrick and Hibernian Society; Maguire: The Irish in America; McGee: Irish Settlers in America; John O'Dea: History of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and Ladies' Auxiliary in America; Michael Davitt: The Fall of Feudalism in Ireland; Cashman: Life of Michael Davitt; T.P. O'Connor: The Parnell Movement; Joseph Denieffe: Recollections of the Irish Revolutionary Brotherhood; Articles in the Catholic Encyclopedia; Report of the Knights of Columbus, 1914; The Tidings, Los Angeles, 7th annual edition.

It is a leap in the dark." : "But it is in the hope that it will strengthen your own Church that you propose it?" "No, it is not, by any means. We are Bishops, but we are Irishmen, also, and we want to serve our country." Equally significant were the statements of Dr. O'Dea, the official spokesman of Maynooth, when he said,

After the collapse of the Repeal Association he received a place from the British Government. The youngest of O'Connell's sons. He sat in the British Parliament until 1863, when he was appointed to a Government post. Repeal M.P. for Roscommon. He deserted to the Liberals, and was made a Lord of the Treasury. O'DEA, PATRICK. The Young Ireland leader in Rathkeale, Co. Limerick.

But let us repeat it it must have the wish. By JOHN O'DEA, National Historian, A.O.H.. In the social organization of no nation of antiquity were societies of greater influence than in pagan Ireland. During many centuries these societies, composed of the bards, ollamhs, brehons, druids, and knights, contended for precedence.

DR. O'DEA, now Bishop of Clonfert, speaking in evidence before the Robertson Commission on University Education, as the representative of Maynooth College.

Therefore, King Ranald, says, by the mouth of my humility, the great O'Brodar, Lord of Ivark, 'Take example by Alcinous, the wise king of Fairy, and listen not to the ambassadors of those lying villains, O'Dea Lord of Slievardagh, Maccarthy King of Cashel, and O'Sullivan Lord of Knockraffin, who all three between them could not raise kernes enough to drive off one old widow's cow.

O'Dea, the newly elected Bishop of Clonfert, is pertinent: 'There is another cause also i.e. in addition to the absence of university education for Roman Catholic laymen which has hindered the employment of the laity in the past.

At Springfield in 1656 there were families named Riley and O'Dea; and Richard Burke, said to be of the Mayo family of that name, is mentioned prominently in Middlesex County as early as 1670. The first legal instrument of record in Hampden County was a deed of conveyance in the year 1683 to one Patrick Riley of lands in Chicopee.

"They'se a team up in Wisconsin with a la-ad be th' name iv Jeremiah Riordan f'r cap'n, an' wan named Patsy O'Dea behind him. They come down here, an' bate th' la-ads fr'm th' Chicawgo Colledge down be th' Midway." "Iv coorse, they did," said Mr. Dooley. "Iv coorse, they did. An' they cud bate anny collection iv Baptists that iver come out iv a tank." "I wondher," said Mr.