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She would find out from Grayson if the men were really dining out, and if they were Grayson would notify her mother that she was staying. She did not quite know herself why she had accepted, unless it was because she was bored and restless at home. Perhaps, too, the lure of doing a forbidden thing influenced her sub-consciously, the thought that her grandfather would detest it.

Sinclair is now claiming. But it was rectified just as soon as my husband came home, and there has been no trouble since until now." "Did Mr. Sinclair notify you that he was going to have a new line run?" Jasper enquired. "No, I knew nothing about what was taking place until I received that letter." "I wonder what suggested such a thing to him?" Jasper mused as if to himself.

They had to be reminded by the shaking of their darling dog Tasso's curly silky coat, that he had not taken his evening's trot to notify malefactors of his watchfulness and official wrath at sound of footfall or a fancied one. Without consultation, they unbolted the door, and Tasso went forth, to 'compose his vesper hymn, as Mr. Posterley once remarked amusingly.

That when this occurred I was to notify her; but if a gentleman called instead, I was to be very careful not to admit that any such person as herself was in the house. Indeed, to avoid any such possibility she prayed that her name might be left off the register a favour which I was slow in granting her, but which I finally did, as you can see for yourselves."

Again, five minutes later: "Is that 'A' Company?" "Yes, sir." "Has your officer returned yet?" "No, sir. I will notify you when he does." This sort of thing went on until nearly one o'clock in the morning. Towards that hour, Bobby, who was growing really concerned over Angus's prolonged absence, cut short his august interlocutor's fifteenth inquiry and joined his Sergeant-Major on the firing-step.

At a sound of footsteps approaching his door, he turned in casual expectancy, thinking it might be a boy to notify him that Moliterno's cable had arrived. But there was no knock, and the door was flung wide open. It was Vilas, and he had his gun with him this time. He had two.

"Throw them on the dust heap, Mrs. Fewings, and and let me know if anything is missing in the house, and I will notify the police this evening." When she left the room he went into the laboratory and took his watch off the skeleton's fingers. His face wore a troubled expression, but after a moment's thought it cleared again. His memory was a complete blank.

Most of them would request their comrades to notify their captains that they would only be absent a short time. Two, who succeeded in eluding pursuit, made their appearance one morning as if nothing had happened, and assured their officers that others would shortly be back again.

Once I found that day was about to break before his return; and fearing scandal, I went, as the First Consul had ordered me to do in such a case, to notify the chambermaid of Madame D. to go to her mistress and tell her the hour. It was hardly five minutes after this timely notice had been given, when I saw the First Consul returning, in great excitement, of which I soon learned the cause.

Will had been sent forward to notify the Indians that an army of sirloin steaks was advancing upon them. Satanta was much pleased, and the other chiefs were likewise interested. Did General Hazen say the cattle were for them? Was there a chance that the scout was mistaken? Not a chance; and with becoming dignity Will demanded a reason for the rough treatment he had received.