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See, e.g., Gudea, Inscription F, cols. iii, iv. See pp. 397, 398. See Peters' Nippur, ll. 131, and Hilprecht, Cuneiform Texts, ix. pl. xiii. Amer. Oriental Soc. See, e.g., Layard, Monuments of Nineveh, 1st series, pls. 7, 23; Place, Nineve et l'Assyrie, pl. 46, etc. Soc. Bibl.

The men of Nineve shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here. No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light.

When he had said these things he gave up the ghost. Tobias departed with his wife to Media, and died there; but before he died he heard of the destruction of Nineve, which was taken by Nabuchodonosor. In the days of Arphaxad, which reigned over the Medes in Ecbatane, he fortified Ecbatane with great stone walls, and towers and gates, for the going forth of his mighty armies.

So he returned to Nineve with all his company of sundry nations and feasted. In the eighteenth year, Nabuchodonosor called the chief captain of his army, Holofernes, and commanded him to take one hundred and twenty thousand footmen and twelve thousand horsemen and go against all the west country because they had disobeyed his commandment.

Tobias met his father at the door, and strake of the gall on his father's eyes, saying: Be of good hope, my father. And Tobit recovered his sight. When he saw his son, he fell upon his neck and wept, and blessed God. Then Tobit went out to meet his daughter-in-law at the gate of Nineve, and welcomed and blessed her; and there was joy among all his brethren which were at Nineve.

Parma recalls the foreign troops Siege of Oudenarde Coolness of Alexander Capture of the city and of Nineve Inauguration of Anjou at Ghent Attempt upon his life and that of Orange Lamoral Egmont's implication in the plot Parma's unsuccessful attack upon Ghent Secret plans of Anjou Dunkirk, Ostend, and other towns surprised by his adherents Failure at Bruges Suspicions at Antwerp Duplicity of Anjou The "French Fury" Details of that transaction Discomfiture and disgrace of the Duke His subsequent effrontery His letters to the magistracy of Antwerp, to, the Estates, and to Orange Extensive correspondence between Anjou and the French Court with Orange and the Estates Difficult position of the Prince His policy Remarkable letter to the States-general Provisional arrangement with Anjou Marriage of the Archbishop of Cologne Marriage of Orange with Louisa de Coligny Movements in Holland, Brabant, Flanders, and other provinces, to induce the Prince to accept sovereignty over the whole country His steady refusal Treason of Van den Berg in Gueldres Intrigues of Prince Chimay and Imbize in Flanders Counter efforts of Orange and the patriot party Fate of Imbize Reconciliation of Bruges Death of Anjou

Parma recals the foreign troops Siege of Oudenarde Coolness of Alexander Capture of the city and of Nineve Inauguration of Anjou at Ghent Attempt upon his life and that of Orange Lamoral Egmont's implication in the plot Parma's unsuccessful attack upon Ghent Secret plans of Anjou Dunkirk, Ostend, and other towns surprised by his adherents Failure at Bruges Suspicions at Antwerp Duplicity of Anjou The "French Fury" Details of that transaction Discomfiture and disgrace of the Duke His subsequent effrontery His letters to the magistracy of Antwerp, to, the Estates, and to Orange Extensive correspondence between Anjou and the, French Court with Orange and the Estates Difficult position of the Prince His policy Remarkable letter to the States-general Provisional arrangement with Anjou Marriage of the Archbishop of Cologne Marriage of Orange with Louisa de Coligny Movements in Holland, Brabant, Flanders, and other provinces, to induce the Prince to accept sovereignty over the whole country His steady refusal Treason of Van den Berg in Gueldres Intrigues of Prince Chimay and Imbize in Flanders Counter efforts of Orange and the patriot party Fate of Imbize Reconciliation of Bruges Death of Anjou

Nabuchodonosor, who reigned in Nineve, made war with King Arphaxad, and sent ambassadors to Cilicia, Damascus and Syria, and the land of Moab and Ammon and Judea and all Egypt asking aid; but the inhabitants thereof made light of the commandment, and sent away his ambassadors with disgrace.

Now Tobit and his wife longed for their son, and Tobias said to Raguel: Let me go, for my father and mother look no more to see me. Then Raguel gave him Sara, his wife, and half his goods, servants, cattle and money. And he and Edna blessed them and sent them away. After a prosperous journey, they drew near unto Nineve.

Besides this, cousin, the church, you know, well adviseth every man to fast, to watch, and to pray, both for taming of his fleshly lusts and also to mourn and lament his sin before committed and to bewail his offence done against God, as they did at the city of Nineve, and as the prophet David did for his sin put affliction to his flesh.