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He told me that in all his travels he had seen nothing so beautiful as the lancet windows in York Minster." In his daily intercourse with his staff, however, in his office or in the mess-room, he showed to less advantage than in the society of strangers. His gravity of demeanour seldom wholly disappeared, his intense earnestness was in itself oppressive, and he was often absent and preoccupied.

Twenty years ago, "A long war soon," was as regular a toast at convivial meetings of Birmingham manufacturers, as at any mess-room or in any cock-pit in her majesty's service.

That mess-room has stood in many lands and has only one roof. We are proud of that roof, all we who belong to that Mess. We boast of it when we show it to our friends when it is all set out at night. It has Aldebaran in it, the Bear and Orion, and at the other end the Southern Cross. Yes we are proud of our roof when it is at its best. What am I saying? I should be talking of bacon.

Raymond returned to the mess-room, while the two incorruptible fellows hastened to their stations on deck. "Now we are in for it!" said Lindsley. "Let us stick to our text," added Raymond, fearful that some of the party would back out as the decisive moment had come. "Ay, ay! Stick to the text!" added Hyde.

The barracks had the rumour almost before the Mess-room, and of all the nine hundred men in barracks, not ten had seen a shot fired in anger. The Colonel had, twenty years ago, assisted at a Frontier expedition; one of the Majors had seen service at the Cape; a confirmed deserter in E Company had helped to clear streets in Ireland; but that was all. The Regiment had been put by for many years.

The guard consisted of a non-commissioned officer and nine men three sentries being furnished for the necessary duties one for the stores already described another for the commanding officer's quarters the mess-room and the surgery, and the third for the, southern bastion, upon which floated the glorious stars and stripes of the Union.

The pilgrims were dining in the mess-room, and I took my place opposite the manager, who lifted his eyes to give me a questioning glance, which I successfully ignored. He leaned back, serene, with that peculiar smile of his sealing the unexpressed depths of his meanness. A continuous shower of small flies streamed upon the lamp, upon the cloth, upon our hands and faces.

The dining-room at the Abbey House was the ancient refectory, large enough for a mess-room; so, when there were no visitors, the Tempests dined in the library a handsome square room, in which old family portraits looked down from the oak panelling above the bookcases, and where the literary element was not obtrusively conspicuous.

"There's not a regiment in the service where you'll find a more united society nor a more agreeable mess-room. There's no quarrelling, bickering, slandthering, nor small talk amongst us. We all love each other." "Especially Mrs. Magenis," said George, laughing. "Mrs. Captain Magenis and me has made up, though her treatment of me would bring me gray hairs with sorrow to the grave."

His lips moved without sound and he was studying the coffin on the ceiling. "White white all over," said Basset-Holmer, the adjutant. "What a pernicious renegade he must be! I wonder where he came from?" The colonel shook the man gently by the arm, and "Who are you?" said he. There was no answer. The man stared round the mess-room and smiled in the colonel's face.