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I have indeed one anchor yet aboard: I may whine over age and ill health, and their attendant poverty, from which a man will purchase escape at any cost. The situation tempts me to send an invitation to Euripides's Medea: will she come and recite certain lines of hers on my behalf, kindly making the slight changes needed?

No part of the road is better than the rest. It is merely a long road. That day when I first heard of Bill Purdy I was going to the tavern hoping to meet Macandrew, Chief of the Medea. His ship was in again. But there was nobody about. There was nothing in sight but the walls, old, sad, and discreet, of the yards where ships are repaired.

Of his tragedies, so famous in their day the "Baptist," the "Medea," the "Jephtha," and the "Alcestis" there is neither space nor need to speak here, save to notice the bold declamations in the "Baptist" against tyranny and priestcraft; and to notice also that these tragedies gained for the poor Scotsman, in the eyes of the best scholars of Europe, a credit amounting almost to veneration.

The Greeks embraced their hero, and Medea, if she dared, would have embraced him too. It remained to lull to sleep the dragon that guarded the fleece, and this was done by scattering over him a few drops of a preparation which Medea had supplied.

Stately, too, was Arete, for she had been reared in the house of a great king. Medea came to her, and fell upon her knees before her, and told her how she had fled from the house of her father, King Æetes. She told Arete, too, how she had helped Jason to win the Golden Fleece, and she told her how through her her brother had been led to his death.

There are men, and old men too, who ought to know the world, who think that if they can only find the proper Medea to boil the cauldron for them, they can have their ruined fortunes so cooked that they shall come out of the pot fresh and new and unembarrassed.

"Allow me to assist him in completing the list: the world-renowned constancy of Helen to Menelaus, the devotion of Clytemnestra to her Agamemnon, the sublime filial affection of Medea, and the bewitching " "Hush, sir! Aunt Ellen, do call him to order! "An inevitable consequence of the fact, that they considered wisdom as synonymous with sleepless and unscrupulous cunning!

"O, excellent!" "Capital!" Uncle John, proud of his friend, whispered in Bagshaw's ear, "You see, Jack's beginning." And now hats and gloves were in motion. "You have got your flute, Frederick?" "Yes, mother," was the reply. "Lau, ma," cried Miss Corinna, "if I haven't come without 'Sweet Bird, and my scena from 'Medea, I declare."

"You and your friends must have suffered much while in the power of those ruffians," he remarked. "That old gentleman has not yet recovered; he seems from his manner to be a man of rank." "Yes; he is one of the old grandees of Spain," answered the priest. "May I ask his name? for I wish to address him properly," said Ronald. "Certainly," returned the priest. "He is known as the Marquis de Medea."

She recognized Chanlouineau's house, and she paused in the little grove of which Chupin had spoken. "Are we at our journey's end?" inquired Aunt Medea, timidly. "Yes, but be quiet. Remain where you are, I wish to look about a little." "What! you are leaving me alone? Blanche, I entreat you! What are you going to do? Mon Dieu! you frighten me. I am afraid, Blanche!" But her niece had gone.