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They then roll the leaf up, and masticate it for hours together. It blackens their teeth and reddens their lips, and gives an effect which the Chinese and Malays admire considerably. Java abounds in serpents the smallest is the most dangerous. Its bite is said to cause death. It is scarcely thicker than a candle, and from two to three feet long.

Allow me to repeat four short sentences which are helpful and most important guides, sentences which ought to form a part of every child's education: If ill, eat nothing, but live on water. Eat only when there is a desire for food. Masticate all foods thoroughly. Always be moderate in your food intake.

"I do not wish to drink any alcohol," interrupted Frank. "Who talks about alcohol? Do without stimulants. You do not need them." "I thought " began Frank. The grave voice of the doctor interrupted him. "Young man, you must be careful about your diet; eat slowly masticate well. Pass into the dispensing room." "What an odd man," thought Frank, as he wended towards his home.

Portheris begged us to begin; she said it was so cheerless eating by one's self, and made her feel quite greedy. "Really," she said, "it is much better than candle a little difficult to masticate perhaps, but, if I do say it myself, quite a tolerable flavour. If I only hadn't used that abominable French polish this morning. What do you think, Mr. Dod?"

If people would masticate their starchy foods thoroughly it would greatly reduce the danger of overeating. It is common to eat bread three times a day and in addition to take potatoes once or twice a day. Those who consume so much starch carry into the system more food than can be used and more of the mineral salts than can be excreted.

We serve soup three times a week only, because we believe that a large amount of fluid of any kind taken into the system at meal time dilutes and thereby weakens the digestive juices. For this reason it is well to masticate with the soup some bread or crackers or some vegetable relish. As drinks we serve to those who desire it water, milk or buttermilk.

The stuff was retailed in sixpenny packets, and you were advised to eat only a very little of it at a time, and not to masticate, but merely to permit melting. Then the Chocolate Remedy came to be sold on the lifeboat itself, and you were informed that if you "took" it before starting on the wave, no wave could disarrange you.

"No; I shall reserve it for luncheon," he answered; "even that little will be better than nothing, and it will be something to look forward to." So dry were our mouths, however, we could scarcely masticate the uncooked fish. We again sank down into our places. I felt that I could not hold out many hours longer; while the rest appeared still more exhausted.

The doctor having expressed his surprise at Napoleon's temperance, he replied, "In my marches with the army of Italy I never failed to put into the bow of my saddle a bottle of wine, some bread, and a cold fowl. This provision sufficed for the wants of the day, I may even say that I often shared it with others. I thus gained time. I eat fast, masticate little, my meals do not consume my hours.

I refused it, but she said to me, "Did I not tell thee that thou must do my bidding? Eat!" So I ate and thwarted her not and she proceeded to put the food into my mouth and I to masticate it, till I was full.