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It was Constantin Marc, the youthful author of a play, La Grille, which the Odéon was going to rehearse immediately; and Constantin Marc, although a countryman living in the forest, could henceforth breathe only in the theatre. Nanteuil was to take the principal part in the play. He gazed upon her with emotion, as the precious amphora destined to be the receptacle of his thought.

During the latter time of the bombardment, he, the Medecin des Pauvres, was on the eastern ramparts, and his attention was suddenly called to a man mortally wounded by the splinter of a shell. While examining the nature of the wound; De Mauleon, who was also on the ramparts, came to the spot. The dying man said, 'M. le Vicomte, you owe me a service. My name is Marc le Roux.

"A very pretty girl, to my thinking," said Constantin Marc. "Undoubtedly," responded Pradel. "But she would be still prettier if her ankles weren't like stakes." And Constantin Marc musingly replied. "And Delage has outraged her. That fellow possesses the sense of love. Love is a simple and primitive act. It's a struggle, it's hatred. Violence is necessary to it.

She had stopped on the topmost step in front of the doors, and was chatting with Constantin Marc and a few journalists: "...Monsieur de Ligny? He danced attendance upon me long before he knew Nanteuil. He used to gaze upon me by the hour, with eager eyes, without daring to speak a word to me. I received him willingly enough, for his behaviour was perfect.

They have been found, in times of trouble, giving to statesmen sound counsel, which, followed, has led to beneficial results; and, alas! they have, equally with men, been found capable of base intrigue. Cleopatra was fully on a par with Marc Antony, Madame de Pompadour with Richelieu or Mazarin. Women noted for piety and for patriotism are not found lacking on this list.

Master Jacques! you are procurator to the king in the Ecclesiastical Courts: this parchment is abominable." "We will put the man to the torture once more. Here again," added Master Jacques, fumbling afresh in his pouch, "is something that we have found at Marc Cenaine's house." It was a vessel belonging to the same family as those which covered Dom Claude's furnace.

She feared him no longer, and she could not forgive him for having alarmed her. She rose. "Good evening; I have a headache. Good-bye till to-morrow, Monsieur Constantin Marc." And she went out briskly. Chevalier ran after her down the corridor, descended the stage staircase behind her, and rejoined her by the stage doorkeeper's box. "Félicie, come and dine with me to-night at our cabaret.

"That is only too true," resumed Meunier, who had just seen his lyric drama, Pandolphe et Clarimonde, come hopelessly to grief. "But the iniquity of it disgusts us." "It should not disgust us in the least," replied Constantin Marc. "There is a sacred law which governs the world, which we are forced to obey, which we are proud to worship. It is injustice, holy injustice, august injustice.

The name of the First of the Blacks must never again be associated with bribery. You are sentenced by a military commission, before which your documents have been examined, to run the gauntlet. The sentence will immediately be executed in the Place d'Armes." "Are you aware," cried Gauthier, "that I was second in command at Saint Marc when it was in the possession of the British?"

The orchard-gate clicked behind us. Brother Marc Antoine, reclining beside the sow with his back against an apple-tree bole, slewed himself round for a look. Pere Philibert and I, turning together, saw a man and a woman approaching, with hangdog looks, and a priest between them the Cure of Ambialet who seemed to be exhorting them by turns to keep up their courage.