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Owing to his pleasing manners, as well as his reputed wealth, he soon became an object of much interest to many of the match-making mammas and marriageable young ladies of the city of H. He was soon favored with numerous invitations to attend parties, where he formed acquaintance with most of the young people in the fashionable circle of the city; and he soon became a general favorite in society.

The dreadful day of the massacre came; the prison was overrun; none paid attention to me, not even the last of my "pretty mammas," for she had met another fate. I was wandering distracted, when I was found by some one in the interests of Monsieur de Culemberg.

Had he grumbled, I would have felt less uncomfortable; but there's nothing so touching and overpowering to either gods or men as the spectacle of mute resignation. At last, to my great relief, he opened his mouth. "Uncle Harry," said he, "do you 'spose folks ever get lonesome in heaven?" "I guess not, Budge." "Do little boy-angels' papas an' mammas go off visitin', an' stay so long?"

Warrington, in the above communication to his mother, showed some little hypocrisy and reticence in his dealings with that venerable person, I dare say, young folks, you in your time have written more than one prim letter to your papas and mammas in which not quite all the transactions of your lives were narrated, or if narrated, were exhibited in the most favourable light for yourselves I dare say, old folks! you, in your time, were not altogether more candid.

Lovely girls, who didn't care a farthing if the man was 'only handsome'; and smiling mammas 'egging them on, who would look very different when they came to the horrid £ s. d. And this mercantile expression leads us to the observation that we know nothing so dissimilar as a trading town and a watering-place.

They don't mind swarming up and down stairs in a solid phalanx; they can enjoy half a dozen courses of salad, ice and strawberries, with stout gentlemen crushing their feet, anxious mammas sticking sharp elbows into their sides, and absent-minded tutors walking over them.

The young people, with their papas and mammas began to assemble at a very unfashionable hour, as early indeed as seven o'clock, and by eight they were all dancing away very merrily. Dancing was kept up with great spirit till towards eleven, when there was a summons to supper.

The impulses behind the flutter were various, but surprise was the dominant one. Nobody had expected the reserved young Virginian to attend the function. Nobody had dreamed of seeing Barbara Verne there. Still more certainly, nobody had expected Duncan to escort "the daughter of his landlady," as one of the chattering mammas spitefully called Barbara.

He seemed greatly surprised: "Why, all that's over and done with! Do you mean to say you want to waste any more time over that old story? Well, I for my part confess that I've lost all interest in the man with the two mammas." And this was said in such a comical tone and with such diverting sincerity that Hortense was once more seized with a fit of giggling.

And then he thought of Laura Hegan, with the fortune she would inherit; and he pictured what her life must be the toadies and parasites and flatterers who would lay siege to her the scheming mammas and the affectionate sisters and cousins who would plot to gain her confidence!