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Winter was on, stiff and crisp, and I was back to Juneau, when the word came. 'Come, the beggar says who brought the news. 'Killisnoo say, "Come now." 'What's the row? I asks. 'Chief George, says he. 'Potlach. Killisnoo, makum klooch.

Squaws cry Viney cry Good Injun" Hagar paused here for greater effect "makum horse all time buck ridum in wikiup Hagar wikiup all time breakum no can fix that wikiup. Good Injun, hee-e-ap kay bueno!" At the last her voice was high and tremulous with anger. "Good Indian mebbyso all same my boy Wally." Phoebe gave the butter a vicious slap. "Me heap love Good Indian.

Me no sabe why him walk, walk in night me heap watchum." "You mean Baumberger? He's all right. He comes down here to catchum many fish trout, up in the Malad, you sabe. Heap friend Peaceful. You no likum?" "Kay bueno." Peppajee rested a forefinger upon Good Indian's arm. "Sun up there," he pointed high in the west. "Me go all same Hartley. Come stable Pete stable me walkum close no makum noise.

Yo' lettum come. Yo' mebbyso makum go. Me no care." "I see. Well, maybe you're right." He tightened the reins, and rode away, the tight little wad of paper still hidden in his palm. When he was quite out of sight from the camp and jogging leisurely down the hot trail, he unfolded it carefully and looked at it long.

Me hear talk. Stoppum no can see me hear much bad talk. All time me hear, heap likum for steal dis ranch. Me no sabe" his tone was doubtful for a space "all same, me hear stealum this ranch. Man, you callum " "Baumberger?" suggested Grant. "Him. All same Baumberga, him talk Man-that-coughs. All time say stealum ranch. Makum much bad talk, them mans.

At his back the yellow boxes were piled high, his crutch propped against them, and continually he speeded the play by calling out, "Passy, calley or makum bigger!" "Comely center!" or, "Ante uppy!" These were the sounds that had swept my memory back to civilization and drawn me from my Golden Bed.

"Yo' thinkum Good Injun love yo', mebbyso." Hagar's witch-grin was at its malevolent widest. Her black eyes sparkled with venom. "Yo' heap fool. Good Injun go all time Squaw-talk-far-off. Speakum glad word. Good Injun ka-a-ay bueno. Love Squaw-talk-far-off. No love yo'. Speakum lies, yo'. Makum yo' heap cry all time. Makeum yo' heart bad."

"Ah!" cried the boy, excitedly, "I see how you do it now. Here, let me try." "Jackum fro makum come back ebry war." "Yes, but let me try." Bang, bang, came softened by the distance, and, looking sharply in the direction of the stranded vessel, two faint puffs of white smoke were visible. "What does that mean?" cried Carey, as he saw the fielders come running towards him. "Big Dan shoot, shoot.

"Better come and eat, Peppajee," Peaceful lingered upon the porch to urge hospitably. "You no get mad. You come eat supper." "No!" Peppajee jerked the word out with unmistakable finality. "No eat. Bimeby mebbyso makum big talk yo'." Peaceful studied his face, found it stern and unyielding, and nodded assent. "All right. I eat, then I talk with you."

At length he took the pipe from his mouth, stretched out his arm toward Hartley, and spoke in his sonorous tone, calculated to add weight to his words. "Yo' go speakum Squaw-talk-far-off," he commanded. "All time makum talk talk " He drummed with his fingers upon his left forearm. "Mebbyso heap sabe. Heap sabe Baumberga kay bueno. He thinkum sabe stealum ranch.