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So he wrapped it up in another piece of sealskin, and gave it to his eldest son, telling him to hand it down from son to son, along with the name Makitok. So buk has grown to be a large bundle now, and no one understands it, but every one has great reverence for it, and the Makitok now in possession is a great mystery-man, very wise; we always consult him on important matters."

Makitok felt and expressed a degree of interest in the objects of the expedition which had not been observed in any Eskimo, except Chingatok, and he was intelligent and quick of perception far before most of those who surrounded him. "And what have you to say about yourself?" asked the captain that evening, after a long animated conversation on the country and its productions.

Here was food for reflection to Leo during the remainder of that night, and for many hours did his sleepless mind puzzle over the mystery of Makitok, the Man of the Valley. This sleepless condition was, not unpleasantly, prolonged by the sounds of animal life that entered his oven-like dwelling during great part of the night.

Now, not long after this eventful council, Benjy Vane burst rather irreverently into his father's hut with excited looks, holding what looked like an old book in his hand. "What have you got there, lad?" "I've got it at last, father! You know I've been trying to wheedle old Makitok into letting me open his mysterious bundle. Well, I prevailed on him to let me do it this afternoon.

Leo, and indeed all the party, had fallen in with Benjy's humour, and habitually referred thus to their mound. "Why comes the ancient one here through the snow?" said Captain Vane, rising and offering Makitok his seat, which was an empty packing-case. "Surely my friend does not think we would forget him?

No man can stand on nothing; therefore his Nort Pole which he stands on must be something." "He is standing on my outlook. He must not carry that away," remarked Makitok with a portentous frown. "Boh!" exclaimed Amalatok, rising impatiently. "I will not listen to the nonsense of Blackbeard.

Of course Alf, and Benjy, and the Captain, and Butterface, as well as Grabantak, Makitok, and Amalatok, with others of the Eskimos, were frequently by his side, but the giant never left him for more than a brief period, night or day. "Ah! I shall be sorry to leave you, Chingatok very sorry." "The young Kablunet is not yet going to die," said the giant in a soft voice.

He made many important discoveries, and set out on his last voyage intending to sail right over the North Pole to China, which I daresay he would have done, had not his rascally crew mutinied and cast him and his little son, with seven other men, adrift in a little boat all of whom perished, no doubt, except your first father, Makitok, my ancient tulip!"

As he did so old Makitok entered, somewhat anxious as to what they were doing with his treasure. Being quieted by the Captain with a draught of cold tea, and made to sit down, the examination of the book proceeded. "It is much worn, and in places is almost illegible, as might be expected," said Alf. I begin this diary to-day.

It was a turning-point in the Arctic seasons. By that time Captain Vane and his party had transported all their belongings to Great Isle, where they had taken up their abode beside old Makitok.