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Eventually it became known as the sanctuary of the Muses. It was visited by some of the most distinguished people in France, and became celebrated throughout Europe. But this part of the work is reserved for future chapters. Magasin des Enfants. Mes Nouveaux Souvenirs. In England, some barbers, and barber's sons, have eventually occupied the highest positions.

In acknowledgment of this fidelity Ralph took her to a grand magasin, where they examined the goods gravely, as married folks do, consulting each other, and trying to seem very sage and anxious. There probably was never such a bonnet as Suzette's in the world.

Meanwhile, can you recommend me to some magasin where I can obtain a suitable change of costume? I can't always wear a travelling suit, and I must buy linen of coarser texture than mine, and with the initials of my new name inscribed on it." "Quite right to study such details; I will introduce you to a magasin near the Temple, where you will find all you want."

It was a sight to turn the brain of Madame in the magasin of smart "confections," nor would the presiding genius of the toy shop have gone scathless, for Rosemary's possessions had not been spared by the cyclone. Dolls had lost their wigs, their arms, their legs; and beautiful blue eyes had been poked into far recesses of porcelain heads, with ruthless scissors.

I answered, hoping it would sound amusing, "Au Magasin du Bon-Dieu." The Empress smiled and replied; "Nous voudrions toutes acheter dans ce magasin-la; but tell me, are your curls real or false? Some people have made bets about it. How can we know," she said, "unless you tell us?"

Meanwhile, can you recommend me to some magasin where I can obtain a suitable change of costume? I can't always wear a travelling suit, and I must buy linen of coarser texture than mine, and with the initials of my new name inscribed on it." "Quite right to study such details; I will introduce you to a magasin near the Temple, where you will find all you want."

Blumenbach, in his figures of objects of natural history, has given good drawings of a grinder of each, and the variation is evident. M. Cuvier also has given in the Magasin Encyclopedique a clear account of the difference between them. As I never examined the Asiatic elephant, I have chosen rather to refer to those writers than advance this as an opinion of my own.

The book of the world is a vast miscellany; he is perfectly well acquainted, doubtless, with those pages that treat of the fashions, profoundly versed, I warrant, in the 'Magasin des Modes' tacked to the end of the index.

Madame Risler had no suspicion that, at that window on the ground floor, sat an untiring foe who watched her slightest movements, the most trivial details of her life, the going and coming of her music-teacher, the arrival of the fashionable dressmaker in the morning, all the boxes that were brought to the house, and the laced cap of the employe of the Magasin du Louvre, whose heavy wagon stopped at the gate with a jingling of bells, like a diligence drawn by stout horses which were dragging the house of Fromont to bankruptcy at break-neck speed.

Madame Risler had no suspicion that, at that window on the ground floor, sat an untiring foe who watched her slightest movements, the most trivial details of her life, the going and coming of her music-teacher, the arrival of the fashionable dressmaker in the morning, all the boxes that were brought to the house, and the laced cap of the employe of the Magasin du Louvre, whose heavy wagon stopped at the gate with a jingling of bells, like a diligence drawn by stout horses which were dragging the house of Fromont to bankruptcy at break-neck speed.