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"Not at all," replied Zimmern; "it was the failure to confess the father, not the fact of her unwedded motherhood, that brought the punishment. There are many love-children born on the Royal Level and they suffer only a failure of inheritance of wealth from the father.

It won't do no good; nothing won't do us no good, unless we all repent of our wicked ways, our drinking, and our dirt, and our love-children, and our picking and stealing, and gets the Lord to turn our hearts, and to come back again, and have mercy on us, and take us away speedily out of this wretched world, where there's nothing but misery and sorrow, into His everlasting glory, Amen!

The Bible was full of such revelations in ancient times. God was not dead because the world was modern and we had steam and electricity. The routine of school was no longer dull. Around each commonplace child hung a halo of romance. They were love-children today. She wove a dream of tenderness, of chivalry, and heroic deeds about them all.

An' t'other lads and Vassie can go starve wi' en?" Ruan's face changed, grew darker, and he spoke harshly. "They were the children of our passion true love-children. They remind me of the days when I was a fool, and I'll leave them only my folly. But the child that's coming he'll be blessed by the law and the Church quite a gentleman of quality, Annie; far above the likes of you.

She was one of those children I am accustomed to call "love-children," because they are so much brighter, healthier, larger and more loving than others. I always imagine more love went to their making. We fell in love and she said, stroking my beard, "Oh, you are pretty!" and I said, "And so are you!"

But it became possible to live when I had learnt all I had not learnt in shaping words, in defending Synge against his enemies, and knew that rich energies, fine, turbulent or gracious thoughts, whether in life or letters, are but love-children.

"Such a fine baby," muttered the abstracted young doctor. "Love-children always is," said Nora. She was looking sadly and tenderly down at the tiny, symmetrical form symmetrical to her and the doctor's expert eyes. "Such a deep chest," she sighed. "Such pretty hands and feet. A real love-child."

But Marguerite was born out of wedlock, and the mother declined to name the father of her child. Because of that the child was consigned to the school for forbidden love-children, which meant that she would be fated for the life of a free woman and become the property of such men as had the price to pay.

You don't know what a runaway hoss will do, but you're afeared all the same." He sank his voice. "There's wantonness, for one thing six love-children born in the parish this year, and more coming. They do say that Vashti Clemow destroyed her child. And Old Man Johns him they found dead on the rocks under the Island he didn't go there by accident. 'Twas a calm day, too."