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Saib knew well what would be his fate: he knew that he would be sold for a slave; and he did all he could to try to bear this thought; nay, lorn and sad as he was, he could find a source of thanks in the fact that the pang he would have felt to have seen Boa a slave was not to be his.

There stood Within the entrance, as if keeping guard Of those fine things, one of a high-souled aspect, Stalwart withal, of whom I was in doubt Whether to think him better knight or leader. He, with a look at once benign and grave, In royal guise, invited me within; He, great and in esteem; me, lorn and lowly. Oh, the sensations and the sights which then Shower'd on me!

"He laid him in a tomb which had been hewn out of a rock, and he rolled a stone against the door of the tomb." The ashes of Jesus of Nazareth mingled with the earth of Palestin "Far hence he lies In the lorn Syrian town, And on his grave, with shining eyes, The Syrian stars look down." He stopped. The melancholy cadence of the verse died away.

"Go my love only that," she murmured, and he left her standing by the marble balustrade, while the yellow moon turned slowly pale as she rose in the heavens, and the song of the lorn nightingale re-echoed in the still night, from the gardens to the towers, in long sweet cries of burning love, and soft, complaining, silvery notes of mingled sorrow and joy.

Beautiful Granada! the soft note of the lute no longer floats through thy moonlit streets; the serenade is no more heard beneath thy balconies; the lively castanet is silent upon thy hills; the graceful dance of the Zambra is no more seen beneath thy bowers! Beautiful Granada! why is the Alhambra so lorn and desolate?

Thrust by the double assault, and by the peculiar nature of the ground, into such narrow room as the pass afforded, and driven to fury by finding themselves cut to pieces in detail, without power of resistance, the men of Lorn fled towards Loch Eitive, where a bridge thrown over the Awe, and supported upon two immense rocks, known by the name of the Rocks of Brandir, formed the solitary communication between the side of the river where the battle took place and the country of Lorn.

'Yes, yes, very ready. I am sorry it should be along of me that you're so ready. 'Along o' you! It an't along o' you! said Mr. Peggotty. 'Don't ye believe a bit on it. 'Yes, yes, it is, cried Mrs. Gummidge. 'I know what I am. I know that I am a lone lorn creetur', and not only that everythink goes contrary with me, but that I go contrary with everybody. Yes, yes.

So he besought the Creator that he would vouch safe to unite him with her and he wept and groaned and wailed and began versifying, "Union, this severance ended, shall I see some day? * Then shall my tears this love lorn lot of me portray. While night all care forgets I only minded thee, * And thou didst gar me wake while all forgetful lay."

The Celtic Society was in a similar plight, headed in default of the Duke of Argyle by the Marquis of Lorn, a golden-haired stripling in a satin kilt of the Campbell set, who looked all the slighter and more youthful, with more dainty calves in his silken hose, because of the big burly chieftains Islay conspicuous among them whom he led.

"Truly," nodded Roger, "I have seen yon flaming keep hung round with hanged men ere now and in the dungeons beneath I have seen God forgive me, what I have seen! Ha! Burn, accursed walls, burn! Full many shall rejoice in thy ruin, as I do lorn women and fatherless children fair women ravished of life and honour!" "Aye," cried Giles, "and lovely ladies brought to shame! So, Garthlaxton smoke!"