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"No matter," answered the old German, breaking off my blossom-head, and tucking its stalk into the buttonhole of his rusty coat; "I like it, it suits me. Belladonna is not to be despised, as you ought to know, Master Chemist!" Then, in a softer tone, "I shall come and see you tomorrow morning, Frau 'Lora, before you start. Goodnight."

Surrounded by mountains which give forth an abundant supply of water, the lands bordering on the hills are studded with villages, and there is much cultivation; there is a total absence of timber, and the cultivation of fruit-trees has been neglected. The Lora rivers cutting into the plain interferes somewhat with the construction of roads.

But when it had been decided to organize a society on the spot, and the business of electing officers was taken up, they roused themselves to a new interest, and Maud was evidently gratified when Evelyn nominated her for the secretaryship. Lulu seconded the motion and Maud was unanimously elected. Zoe had already been made president; Lora was chosen treasurer.

"We lack Mistigris, now famous under his own name of Leon de Lora," said Joseph Bridau, "and the little young man who was stupid enough to talk to the count about those skin diseases which are now cured, and about his wife, whom he has recently left that he may die in peace." "And the count himself, you lack him," said old Reybert.

"And you, Miss?" as Sydney Dinsmore came tripping in from the hall. "Yes; and here comes another Miss;" she replied, as Lulu appeared in the open doorway. "I too, am a miss; there are four of us here now," said Rosie, coming up behind Lulu. "I am a miss," proclaimed Maud Dinsmore, stepping in after Rosie. "And I am a miss," echoed Lora Howard, coming after her.

Lora Rewbush an almost universally respected fellow citizen, a lady of charitable and poetic inclinations, and one of his own mother's most intimate friends. Mrs.

"You are a set of blackguards!" cried he. "You have no right to speak the name of an honest woman in the same breath with those fallen creatures above all, not to make it a mark for your slander!" He was interrupted by unanimous bravos and applause. Bixiou, Leon de Lora, Vauvinet, du Tillet, and Massol set the example, and there was a chorus. "Hurrah for the Emperor!" said Bixiou.

She looked, to Bailey, insufferably radiant and pleased with herself. "Bailey!" she cried. "Whatever brings my little Bailey here, when he ought to be working like a good boy in Wall Street?" "I will tell you," Bailey's demeanour was portentous. "He's frowning," said Ruth. "You have been stirring his hidden depths, Aunt Lora!" Bailey coughed. "Ruth!" "Bailey, don't!

Won't I be the gay old Sea Dog! I hope you'll be the Spirit of the Sea." "That isn't decided; don't ask me about it yet," said Patty, who had no mind to commit herself until Guy should ask her definitely to take the part. Though since Lora couldn't take it, and Daisy wouldn't, she felt pretty sure it would fall to her.

At the Exhibition of 1829, Leon de Lora, Schinner, and Bridau, who all three occupied a great position and were, in fact, at the head of the art movement, were filled with pity for the perseverance and the poverty of their old friend; and they caused to be admitted into the grand salon of the Exhibition, a picture by Fougeres.