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Updated: August 7, 2024

"Isn't it best to know the worst, and have it over?" "Well I don't know but what you're right, honey." "It's your say, Mr. Knowles," put in Gowan. "If you want the tenderfeet on your range, all right. If you don't, I'll engage to head back any bunch of engineers agoing, and I don't care whether they're dogies or longhorns." "There is to be no surveying party," explained Isobel. "Mr.

"I recollect same as if it was yesterday," began Uncle Abner quickly. "We was coming up through northern Arizona one fall, with a bunch of longhorns and we make this here water hole about four P.M. or mebbe a mite after that or a little before; but, anyway, I says to Jeff Bradley, 'Jeff, I says to him, 'it looks to me almighty like "

He is one of the few men of the type that remain to link the range of today with the vanished world of the cattle frontier." "Yet you say that the fellow is only my age?" "In years, yes. But in type he belongs to the generation that is past the generation of longhorns, long drives, long Colt's, and short lives; of stampedes, and hats like yours, badmen, and Injins."

The beast jumped ahead. Van Horn, laughing, held on. But the shock jerked him almost from his feet. As he staggered forward, clinging to the rearing animal, the half-muffled report of a revolver was heard. Almost like a thunderbolt, it changed the situation. One of the Texas men had fired in the air, but no one had seen him fire and the other Texans jumped like longhorns.

Kid Wolf was singing to the longhorns in a half-mocking, drawling tenor, as he rode slowly along: "Oh, the desaht winds are blowin', on the Rio! And we'd like to be a-goin', back to Rio! But befo' we do, We've got to see this through, Like all good hombres do, from the Rio!" The prisoners had been lashed securely to their horses and brought along. Already several miles had been traveled.

Shopping in New York City the day before, two bargain sales one being hand-embroidered Swiss waists from two-ninety-eight upward I felt as if a stampede of longhorns had caught me. Darned near bedfast I was! Say, talk about the pale, weak, nervous city woman with exhausted vitality!

Panchito knows far more about herding and roping steers than he does about professional racing, and enters the list with no preparation other than the daily exercise afforded in bearing his owner under a forty-pound stock saddle and scrambling through the cactus after longhorns. Evidently Don Quixote knows it all.

Aberdeen Boy, a recent importation, and one of the noblest of those who were to refine the wild-eyed longhorns of Texas, was having no more trouble with acclimation than his predecessors; he manifested his illness simply by lying down and looking more innocent than usual, and heaving big sighs which wrung Virginia's heart.

Already they planned a garden, and in the evenings were as likely to talk of turnips, beets, peas, beans, and potatoes as of the new Hereford bulls Larson and Harshaw were importing from Denver. For the handwriting was on the wall. Cattlemen must breed up or go out of business. The old dogy would not do any longer. Already Utah stock was displacing the poor southern longhorns.

Another type would have killed the half-breed on general principles. Kid Wolf however, determined that the murderer would be given a fair trial and then punished. Again striking the Chisholm Trail a well-beaten road several hundred yards wide he veered north. Thousands upon thousands of longhorns from Texas and New Mexico had beaten that trail. This was the halfway point.

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