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Panel looked at Leveson with an expression which I have seen in the eyes of foothill mothers, whose children run barefoot, when they have found a rattlesnake. Then she drawled out: "Wal, I hoped you might, but " "Why, Lily! You hoped I might?" "Yes; but I feared you'd git murdered first. Oh Jaspar, I didn't know you was sech a man."

"What petty souls we are!" he murmured; "Here am I feeling actually indignant because this fellow Leveson, who has less education and knowledge than my dog Nebbie, assumes to have some acquaintance with Miss Vancourt! What does it matter? What business is it of mine? If she cares to accept information from an ignoramus, what is it to do with me? Nothing! Yet, what a blatant ass the fellow is!

It hangs on my mind, and perhaps on Morritt's. When we returned we took a short drive as far as Barnard Castle; and the business of eating and drinking took up the remainder of the evening, excepting a dip into the Greta Walk. Lady Francis Leveson Gower was the eldest daughter of Charles Greville. Mr. Lockhart writes: "Among other songs Mrs. Arkwright delighted Sir Walter with her own set of

Came to dinner Lord Carnarvon and his son and daughter; also Lord Francis Leveson Gower, the translator of Faust. September 12. Walk with Lord Francis. When we return, behold ye! enter Lady Hampden and Lady Wedderburn. In the days of George Square, Jane and Maria Brown , beauties and toasts.

Leveson stayed his bicycle a moment, wobbling on it uneasily. "Lumpton goes back a good way," he said airily; "I shall take him up when I have gone through the history of the Vancourts. I'm on that scent now. I shall make a good bit of business directly Miss Vancourt returns; she'll pay for anything that will help her to stiffen her back and put more side on." "Really!" ejaculated Walden, coldly.

"It doesn't need a lion to spring at Leveson," said Walden, contemptuously "A sheep would do it! The tamest cur that ever crawled would have spirit enough to make a dash for a creature so unutterably mean and false and petty! I may as well admit to you at once that I myself nearly struck him!" "You did?" And Bishop Brent's grave dark eyes flashed with a sudden suspicion of laughter. "I did.

Leveson keeps 'Igh as 'Igh with a bit o' tinsel an' six candles, though it's the mis'ablest place ye ever set eyes on, an' 'e do look a caution 'isself with what 'e calls a vestiment 'angin' down over 'is back, which is a baek as fat as porpuses, the Lord forgive me for sayin. it, but Sir Morton 'e be that set against Mr.

Don Sebastian King of Portugal, a Tragedy, acted 1690, dedicated to the earl of Leicester. King Arthur; or the British worthy, a Tragedy, acted 1691, dedicated to the marquis of Hallifax. Amphytrion; or the two Socias, a Comedy, acted 1691, dedicated to Sir Leveson Gower, taken from Plautus and Moliere.

I know you don't want to see me to talk about the weather, and I know something's up, or Leveson wouldn't have written to me, and you wouldn't be back from Berlin. Let's have the whole story with the soup and fish, and we'll try and hit upon a way to put things right before we reach the liqueurs." "I've lots to say to you," Norgate admitted simply. "I'll begin with the personal side of it.

He felt himself now in a manner debased by having had to listen with enforced patience to Bainton's rambling account of the gossip going on in the neighbourhood, and despite that worthy servitor's disquisition on the subject, he could not imagine how it had arisen, unless his quarrel with Putwood Leveson were the cause. It was all so sudden and unlooked for!