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"Dago," said the sheriff, with his slow, emphatic drawl, "I wish she was a man just for a minute half a minute one second would do." "She laughed at you, yes?" "She laughed at me, yes? Well, I guess she did. She gave me the merry ha! ha!

But he thought that would not do, it would not be at all the thing; he would be laughed at, and not the Marquis, and as he felt that his anger proceeded more from wounded vanity than from a broken heart he went to bed, but could not go to sleep.

And there, sitting ruefully by the fire, with a steaming mug in his hand, was the Porpoise. With one accord Nicholas and I looked at Charley. He laughed gleefully. "That comes of imagination," he said. "When you see a thing, you've got to see it all around, or what's the good of seeing it at all? I saw the beach, so I left a couple of constables behind to keep an eye on it. That's all."

"The bird never would have known the difference." She laughed, quickly restored to good humour. "You're about right there, Dave," she answered. "That was another mistake; the only chance I ever had of marrying in high social circles. But hell, I'll be a lady tomorrow, so let's let the poor devil go. Wrap him up, and lay him away out in the garage.

She answered him in Abyssinian, but brokenly and with an accent that betrayed how recently she had acquired her slight knowledge of the tongue. "I go on my knees to no one," she said. "I have no sovereign. I myself am sovereign in my own country." Menelek, at her words, leaned back in his throne and laughed uproariously.

"But, oh!" she cried, throwing up her hands in a kind of hopeless impatience, "tell me what to do. My dancing days are over!" I laughed at her, "Have you sprained your ankle?" But I saw I had made a mistake when she added, "It is no laughing matter. I have been out three years.

They won't steal, as a rule draw the line at murder, but they think nothing of making damned fools of men who are insane enough to believe in them!" He laughed bitterly; and his eyes looked grim. "It would have been quite easy to let me know, wouldn't it?" He flung the question at his friend. "A sixpenny wire even a cable wouldn't have ruined her, would it?

I asked him to-day if he thought he could run a railroad like that, like a machine, everything in place on the second, and he said, 'Sure, Mike!" I laughed. "'Sure, Mike," I said, "is the spirit in which the world is conquered."

"I never knew such a strange coincidence in numbers." "If you save all your pennies till you have occasion for a dowry you'll have enough to buy a real pig," counselled Cornie wisely. "More like a whole drove of them," laughed Mary. "That time is so far off." "Not necessarily so far," was Cornie's answer. "Sometimes it is only a few steps farther when you are seventeen.

She thought your other visitors might consider me one too many. But I'm sure they won't, and I'm immensely keen on meeting them. Have they arrived?" "Two hours ago," said Will Musgrave. "That's all right. My brother-in-law knows Ratcliffe, but I've never had the good luck to meet him. Something of a fire-eater, isn't he?" Will laughed. "Oh, quite a giant in his own line." Noel nodded.