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When we say similar, we mean in general appearance; it is now well-known that there is a considerable difference between jute fibre and those of hemp and flax, and hence the modifications in preparation which had ultimately to be introduced to enable the jute fibre to be successfully treated. These modifications shall be discussed at a later stage.

Lasse, who recognized one thing and another, explained it all in full to the boy, taking a pull at the bottle between whiles; but the bailiff must not see this. Pelle was cold and burrowed into the straw, where he crept close up to his father. "You take a mouthful," whispered Lasse, passing the bottle to him cautiously. "But take care that he doesn't see, for he's a sly one. He's a Jute."

At the end of this time, the pieces are ready to be conveyed to and fed into the softening machines where the fibres undergo a further process of bending and crushing. All softening machines for jute, or softeners as they are often called, are similar in construction, but the number of pairs of rollers varies according to circumstances and to the opinions of managers. The sections are made in 8's.

While their brother and his only son had lived on good terms, they had had to content themselves with borrowing all they could from him in loans which they never intended to pay back; but the day when Edmond had been packed off to India, ostensibly to buy jute but in reality as a punishment for being too extravagant and getting into debt, the two women had schemed to take advantage of the situation.

"Dwags kyant stan' spooks nohow," remarked Jute. "I've yeared that," admitted Perkins, looking around for the animal. "Thar he is, un'er yo' baid," said Jute, peeking through the doorway. The miserable man's hair fairly stood up when the brute was discovered stark and dead without a scratch upon him. Recourse was again had to the jug, and oblivion soon followed.

More than 63 per cent of the entire value of imported merchandise consisted of the following articles: Sugar and molasses $103,884,274 Wool and woolen manufactures 53,842,292 Silk and its manufactures 49,949,128 Coffee 49,686,705 Iron and steel and manufactures thereof 41,464,599 Chemicals 38,464,965 Flax, hemp, jute, and like substances, and manufactures thereof 33,463,398

It is on record that in one short period of fourteen days, 150,000,000 sand-bags were collected, packed and despatched from Dundee to be used as protective elements in various ways and seats of conflict. A glance into the records of the textile industries will reveal the fact that the jute fibre was practically unknown in these islands a hundred years ago.

But there is another sense in which I am worthy of all this, or of even greater adoration. 9th July 1895. I am gliding through this winding little Ichamati, this streamlet of the rainy season. With rows of villages along its banks, its fields of jute and sugar-cane, its reed patches, its green bathing slopes, it is like a few lines of a poem, often repeated and as often enjoyed.

This number may include 5, 6, 7 or more bales of jute according to the amount of accommodation in the preparing department. All the above bales of a batch may be composed of the same standard quality of jute, although the marks may be different.

That I never have, and you young gentlemen would very soon remind me if I did. But the late Mr. Henry Ironsyde found no time for all-round wisdom. He poured his brains into hemp and jute and such like. Why, he didn't even make a minute to court and wed till he was forty-five year old.