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In 1839 she was at Dresden with Herr Tichatschek, one of the first tenors of Germany, a handsome man, with a powerful, sweet, and extensive voice. In June, 1841, she gave a performance at Berlin, to assist the Parisian subscription for a monument to Cherubini. The opera was "Les Deux Journées," in which she took her favorite part of Constance.

"O mon cher frere, vous pourrois-je expliquer quelle consolation ce m'etoit quand je voyois un pauure baptise mourir deux heures, une demi journee, une ou deux journees, apres son baptesme, particulierement quand c'etoit un petit enfant!" Lettre du Pere Garnier a son Frere, MS. This form of benevolence is beyond heretic appreciation.

We passed the last of its houses that nestled against the hill, and below that the forest lay like velvet under the moon. The song of our boatmen broke the silence of the night: "Voici le temps et la saison, Voici le temps et la saison, Ah! vrai, que les journees sont longues, Ah! vrai, que les journees sont longues!"

J'ai appris, d'une personne qui avoit commande plusieurs annees au fort Saint-Joseph en Galam, lequel se peut estimer distant en droite ligne de l'entree du Senega d'environ cent trent lieues francoises; que les Bambaras, qui du fond du pays amenent des esclaves noirs, comptent quarante huit journees depuis Tombut jusqu'au fort Saint-Joseph, et que la mesure commune de la journee s'evalue a environ cinq lieues, d'ou il resulte autour de deux cens quarante lieues.

Quite different from the above, and in another phase of thought, are: 'Voyages d'un Parisien ; Journees de Voyage en Espagne et France ; Journees de Vacances ; and others. It is, however, as a novelist that the fame of Claretie will endure. He has followed the footsteps of George Sand and of Balzac.

A day of reverie is beautifully painted by ROUSSEAU as distinct from a day of thinking: "J'ai des journées délicieuses, errant sans souci, sans projet, sans affaire, de bois en bois, et de rocher en rocher, rêvant toujours et ne pensant point." Far different, however, is one closely-pursued act of meditation, carrying the enthusiast of genius beyond the precinct of actual existence.

Christmas Day and the day after were devoted exclusively to the man in the trenches, to obtain money to bring him home on leave. Those days were les journees du poilu. The services of the best black-and-white artists in France were commandeered. For advertising purposes they designed the most appealing posters.

Cherubini's finest works suffer from a frigidity and formality strangely in contrast with the grace of Grétry or the melody of Méhul, but the infinite resources of his musicianship make amends for lack of inspiration, and 'Les Deux Journées' may still be listened to with pleasure, if not with enthusiasm.

Revenue-farming, the parc-aux-cerfs, and Du Barry only went down before La Terreur, Robespierre, and Les Journees de Septembre." "But seriously, Mac, is it not admissible, now and then, to employ questionable means, ordinary ones failing?" "Certainly. You may even sin, provided you believe in your cause. Faith is the one save-all and cure-all. You smile?

Spohr in his autobiography says: "I recollect, when the 'Deux Journées' was performed for the first time, how, intoxicated with delight and the powerful impression the work had made on me, I asked on that very evening to have the score given me, and sat over it the whole night; and that it was that opera chiefly that gave me my first impulse to composition."