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Your honour's a stranger in this country, and astray about them things. Sure, why would I mind the laws about whiskey, more than the quality, or the jidge on the bench?" "What do you mean?"

"Ye wud think the Session wes the Sheriff o' Perthshire tae hear ye blawin' and threatenin'." "It's no for me tae say what may befa' ye, Peter Ferguson, for a 'm no yir jidge, but juist a frail mortal, beadle though I be; but a' may hev ma thochts. "Ye refused the summons sax month syne, and took yir wys tae London that wes contumacy added tae yir ither sin.

"'Is Saunders deein', doctor? she cries. 'Ye promised tae wauken me; dinna tell me it's a' ower. "'There's nae deein' aboot him, Bell; ye're no tae lose yir man this time, sae far as a' can see. Come ben an' jidge for yersel'. "Bell lookit at Saunders, and the tears of joy fell on the bed like rain. "'The shadow's lifted, she said; 'he's come back frae the mooth o' the tomb.

"Why! was not I prisint in the court-house myself, when the jidge was on the bench judging a still, and across the court came in one with a sly jug of potsheen for the jidge himself, who prefarred it, when the right thing, to claret; and when I seen that, by the laws! a man might talk himself dumb to me after again' potsheen, or in favour of the revenue, or revenue officers.

A ken naethin' aboot yon three minth; yon 's atween Andsaw an's Makker; an' A'll nae jidge onybody, sin' we maun a' be judgit by Ane wha jidgeth iprightly. Bit as lang's A hae a pickle siller, Andraw'll no want." And Tam returned to his seat. "What would I want of burnin' a stack?" remonstrated Andrew, blinking defiantly round the table. "Tell you how it come.

"'Is Saunders deein', doctor? she cries. 'Ye promised tae wauken me; dinna tell me it's a' ower. "'There's nae deein' aboot him, Bell; ye're no tae lose yir man this time, sae far as a' can see. Come ben an' jidge for yersel'. "Bell lookit at Saunders, and the tears of joy fell on the bed like rain. "'The shadow's lifted, she said; 'he's come back frae the mooth o' the tomb.

'Why! was not I PRISINT in the court-house myself, when the JIDGE on the bench judging a still, and across the court came in one with a sly jug of POTSHEEN for the JIDGE himself, who prefarred it, when the right thing, to claret; and when I SEEN that, by the laws! a man might talk himself dumb to me after again' potsheen, or in favour of the revenue, or revenue-officers.

"In the name of Heaven, let him go! His time is precious he has important business business of life and death." "I tould the jidge so," said the Ensign, "but he refused to take my word the sacred wurrd of honour of Captain Geraldine." Macshane was good at a single lie, though easily flustered on an examination; and this was a very creditable stratagem to acquaint Mrs.

The little fellow was brought into court, and it was surprising how clear he told his story. The jidge listened to the child, young as he was. But M'Crule was on the jury, and said that he knew the child to be as cunning as any in Ireland, and that he would not believe a word that came out of his mouth. So the short and the long of it was, I was condemned to be transported.

I'm as shober as a jidge, faith as shober as a jidge!"