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He piloted his little squadron safely through it and reached the Gulf of Paria, named by him "Golfo de la Ballena." The land to the westward, forming the mainland of Paria, received the name of "Isla de Gracia." Standing across to the western side of the Gulf, the admiral was delighted with the beauty of the country and with the view of distant mountains.

The last light had gone out in the stable; the windows of Isla were darkened; there was a faint scent of heather in the night; a fainter taint of peat smoke. The world had grown very still by Isla Water.

Rodrigo de la Isla Espinosa declared that an old map in his possession showed more than thirteen hundred and seventy leagues, but he increased the amount to about two thousand and thirty leagues. Francisco de Astigarribia's map measured eighteen hundred and fifty leagues, but his estimation was about two thousand and ten leagues.

This island of Isabella, or Samoet, agrees so accurately in its description with Isla Larga, which lies east of Exuma, that it is only necessary to read it with the chart unfolded to become convinced of the identity.

"It's so. It's called'the Cold Hand of Isla. We are all doomed to feel it." "Absurd!" "Not at all. That's a pretty story; isn't it? Now what more shall I tell you?" "Anything you like, Kay. I'm in paradise or would be if only somebody would tell me stories till I fall asleep." "Stories about what?" "About YOU, Kay." "I'll not talk about myself." "Please!"

On Isla Water the yellow trout had not yet begun to jump; evening still lingered beyond the world's curved ruin; but the wild duck were coming in from the sea in twos and threes and sheering down into distant reaches of Isla Water.

There was, in ink, a description of the island written, of course, in Spanish, setting forth that it had been named "Isla de Corsarios", and that it was, according to English measurements, two and a half miles long by one mile broad; also that it was uninhabited.

Y de alli alos Malucas dõde esta la especieria, ay cient y cincueta leguas, y ala China dozientas, y a Malach quinientas leguas. Y hallaron alli canela finissima que la hauian los dela isla trahydo de los Malucas y gengibre, y cosas de seda galanas.

"Scotland," said Cunningham, "is too cold, a country for locusts, and too poor a country for thieves." "Or perhaps John Highlander will suffer no thieves to thrive there but his own," said Guthrie. "I let you all know," said Balafre, "that I come from the Braes of Angus, and have gentle Highland kin in Glen Isla and I will not have the Highlanders slandered."

It appears certain, however, that Grijalva visited many islands on the north coast of New Guinea, and one, in particular, called Isla de los Crespos, Island of the Frizzly Heads, at the entrance of Geelvinck Bay, near which a mutiny occurred, and Grijalva was murdered by his revolted crew.