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Updated: August 5, 2024

The multiplication of flags and little neutral territories had, besides, begun to irritate the Samoans. The protests of German settlers had been received uncivilly. I quote from his requisition to Fritze, December 17th. Upon all these considerations, he goes on, it is necessary to bring the fighting to an end. Both parties are to be disarmed and returned to their villages Mataafa first.

If they return, it will be all very fine for them to wish, and all very fine for them to act; their presence, their discourse, their influence, involuntary though it be, will be opposed to you, will heat your enemies, will irritate your friends; hatred and mistrust will go on increasing." The king was of a different opinion.

But there was no other show of military force, for the politic power which ruled in Venice, knew too well its momentary impotency, to irritate when it could not quell. The mob beneath was composed of nameless rioters, whose punishment could carry no other consequences than the suppression of immediate danger, and for that, those who ruled were not prepared.

"One name is as good as another," with a smile of unbelief. "That is true. What's in a name? There is little difference, after all, between the names of the nobility and the rabble." "You are determined to irritate me beyond measure," said he. A German is the most sensitive man in the world as regards his title. "Grant that I have some cause.

Yet to go back would be to undo her plan; besides the animals had already seen her, and all their heads were turned in her direction. "I must not irritate them," she thought, "and yet I must get on out of this field. If I creep along under the hedge they will not notice me." Her frock was a dark green, and her hat a black one.

One of the detachments which had arrived that morning in the Champ-de-Mars, with a train of artillery, withdrew by the quays, in order that the appearance of an armed force might not irritate the people. One of the commissioners took the pen, the citizens crowded round him, and he wrote as follows:

She can only drift in the present die in the future." The doctor listened silently. But Julian said again: "Poor, poor Cuckoo!" The exclamation seemed to irritate Valentine, for he caught up his cloak and cried: "Bah! Let's forget her. Doctor, we must say good-night. We are due at the Prince's. It has been good to meet you again." The last words sounded like the bitterest sarcasm. Although Dr.

The surest method to purify the press, is to render it free: obstacles irritate it: prohibitions and difficulties engender the pamphlets complained of. "Could despotism kill thought in its sanctuary, and prevent us from communicating the essence of our ideas to the mind of our fellow-creatures, it would do so.

The nape of the neck alone possesses the desired vulnerability. The adversary must be nipped there and no elsewhere. Not to floor her at once would mean to irritate her and make her more dangerous than ever. The Spider is well aware of this.

It serves to irritate and keep open the wounds in our lives, while it never soothes the afflicted, nor gives us a moment of peace. Let the present and future alone occupy your thoughts. They will give you food for reflection, sufficient to bury all former unhappiness, and to entail upon you a return of that earthly joy you once possessed."

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