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There is a ceremony which they perform at or after the Funerals of the Dead which I had forgot to mention at the time; we hapned to see it sometime before we left the Island. An old Woman, a relation of Toobouratomita's, hapned to die and was interr'd in the Usual manner.

I must tell you an ingenuity of Lord Raymond, an epitaph on the Indemnifying Bill I believe you would guess the author: Interr'd beneath this marble stone doth lie The Bill of Indemnity; To show the good for which it was design'd, It died itself to save mankind.

Before he was Interr'd according to their Custom, they dealt every one some hot Victuals, which he took and did what he would with: Then the Doctor began to talk, and told the People what Lightning was, and that it kill'd every thing that dwelt upon the Earth; nay, the very Fishes did not escape; for it often reach'd the Porpoises and other Fish, and destroy'd them; that every thing strove to shun it, except the Mice, who, he said, were the busiest in eating their Corn in the Fields, when it lightned the most.

"On Thursday last past, being ye 19 Sep'tr, A.D. 1774, was interr'd ye bodie off onne Matthewe Haygarthe, ag'd foure yeres, remoov'd fromm ye Churcheyarde off St. Marie, under ye hil, Spotswolde, in this Co. Pade forr so doeing, sevven shill." After having inspected the register, I asked many further questions, but without eliciting much further information.

I caused his body to be coffin'd in lead, and reposited on the 30th at 8 o'clock that night in the church at Deptford, accompanied with divers of my relations and neighbours among whom I distributed rings with this motto: Dominus abstulit; intending, God willing, to have him transported with my owne body to be interr'd in our dormitory in Wotton Church, in my dear native county of Surrey, and to lay my bones and mingle my dust with my fathers, if God be gracious to me and make me fit for Him as this blessed child was.

And to more shameful crimes, they awarded a sterner punishment: Behind flock'd wrangling up a piteous crew Greeted of none, disfeatured and forlorn: Cowards, who were in sloughs interr'd alive; And round them still the wattled hurdles hung Wherewith they stamp'd them down, and trod them deep, To hide their shameful memory from men.

Then wonder not if I no better sped, Since I the Muses thus have injured. I pensive for my fault, sate down, and then Errata through their leave, threw me my pen, My Poem to conclude, two lines they deign Which writ, she bad return't to them again; So Sidneys fame I leave to Englands Rolls, His bones do lie interr'd in stately Pauls.

"Thou best of actors here interr'd, No more thy charming voice is heard, This grave thy corse contains: Thy better part, which us'd to move Our admiration, and our Love, Has fled its sad remains. "Tho' there's no monumental brass, Thy sacred relicks to encase, Thou wondrous man of art! A lover of the muse divine, O! Elrington, shall be thy shrine, And carve thee in his heart."