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And Mary had set herself, secretly, insidiously, to destroy them. It had taken her seven years. For the first five years it had been hard work for Mary.

Nevertheless, whatever its other merits or defects may be, I can assure my readers that it was not my intention to propound a riddle, or insidiously convey any erudite teaching. The fact of the matter was that a longing had been born within my heart, and, unable to find any other name, I had called the thing I desired an Echo.

Into both these homes comes literature, comes the Press, comes the talk of alien minds, comes the observation of things without, sometimes reinforcing the tradition, sometimes insidiously glossing upon it or undermining it, sometimes "letting daylight through it"; but much more into the latter type than into the former.

The attempt to undermine his influence with the King proving vain for Charles was as well aware of its inspiration as of the Chancellor's value to him that crew of rakes went laboriously and insidiously to work upon the public mind, which is to say the public ignorance most fruitful soil for scandal against the great.

The pernicious tendency of those books, in which the writers insidiously degrade the sex, whilst they are prostrate before their personal charms, cannot be too often or too severely exposed. Let us, my dear contemporaries, arise above such narrow prejudices!

When, in the winter of 1792, the Convention made the famous offer of its aid in arms to all peoples eager to be free, it must have been plain to Pitt that, with France in that temper and England tempest-tossed between hatred of the Revolution and fear lest its theories were being insidiously fostered in her own confines, the preservation of peace was a dream.

A child is more liable to croup in a low and damp, than in a high and dry neighbourhood; indeed, in some situations, croup is almost an unknown disease; while in others it is only too well understood. Croup is more likely to prevail when the wind is either easterly or north-easterly. There is no disease that requires more prompt treatment than croup, and none that creeps on more insidiously.

To steal insidiously upon a destructively-included wild beast and transfix it with one well-directed blow of a spear is attended by difficulties and emotions which are entirely absent in the case of a wickerwork animal covered with canvas-cloth, no matter how deceptive in appearance the latter may be."

Wieland's testimony of Napoleon is quite as appreciative as that of Müller, and coming from him to the great conqueror of his native land makes it an invaluable piece of impartial history which reverses the loose and vindictive libels that were insidiously circulated by a gang of paid scoundrels in order to prejudice public opinion against him.

Bring me the order and go, Monsieur Gault; send me that Abbe immediately. So long as we have him safe, the danger cannot be greater. And in the course of two hours' talk you get a long way into a man's mind." "Especially such a public prosecutor as you are," said Camusot insidiously. "There will be two of us," replied Monsieur de Granville politely. And he became discursive once more.