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Well, there are grounds, after all, on which I'm glad," she rather inscrutably added. "Oh I was conscientious about that! But I've no authority; I can neither drive him nor stay him I can use no force," I explained. "Look at the way he's pulling that boat and see if you can fancy me."

Bear wid Yorke as best ye can divilmint an' all for my sake, will yeh?" Not devoid of a certain simple dignity was the grim, rugged face that turned appealingly to the younger man's in the light of the moon. And Redmond, smiling inscrutably into the deep-set, glittering eyes, answered as simply: "I will, Sergeant!" He declined an offer. "Nemoyah! For some unaccountable reason, Slavin smiled also.

"What's frightening you away like this?" asked Heyst, while through his mind flashed the hope that something enlightening might come from that being so unlike himself, taking contact with the world with a simplicity and directness of which his own mind was not capable. "Why?" he went on. "You are used to white men. You know them well." "Yes. Me savee them," assented Wang inscrutably.

Early the first forenoon he called aloud for biscuit and salmon; biscuit and ham were brought; he looked on them inscrutably, and signed they should be set aside.

"Do you think it's too much?" She continued to think plainly. "They weren't to have started for another week." "Well, what then? Isn't our situation worth the little sacrifice? We'll go back to Rome as soon as you like WITH them." This seemed to hold her as he had previously seen her held, just a trifle inscrutably, by his allusions to what they would do together on a certain contingency.

They did not impress me much, nor do I find myself strongly drawn towards Guido, though there is no other painter who seems to achieve things so magically and inscrutably as he sometimes does.

But his immobility, the thick elbow on the table, the abrupt, unhappy voice, the shaded and averted face grew more and more impressive. He kept inscrutably silent for a moment, and then, placing me in a ship of a certain size, at sea, under certain conditions of weather, season, locality, &c. &c. all very clear and precise ordered me to execute a certain manoeuvre.

He must never again carry anything but a dollar watch. And the Breedes saw through him. He must have confessed everything back at that table when he had felt so inscrutably buoyant. Once in Paris they would have him arrested. They might even have him put in irons before the ship landed. And back in the steam-heated apartment lay that mutilated head, a sheer fabrication of papier-mâché.

"Don't you remember those great piles of bonds and stocks that Doctor Barrows left here with you to keep for him?" "Oh, those!" Mr. Tutt smiled inscrutably. "Mr. Barrows is not a physician," he corrected her, running his eye over the General Sessions calendar. "He's only a 'doc' that is to say, one who doctors. You know you can doctor a lot of things besides the human anatomy.

"Certainly it must be done by somebody; but not always by the same person." "It's about all I'm fit for." He looked at her with half-shut eyes, inscrutably. Presently she raised her head. "We are returning to the old subject; and this was to be a business talk. It is quite useless, I assure you, to tell me I might have done all sorts of things. I shall never do them now.