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Updated: August 15, 2024

It would prove an effectual Remedy for this Evil, if the Ladies would discountenance these loose Comedies, by expressing their dislike, and refusing to be present when they are acted: And this no doubt they would do, were they inform'd, that the Comedies which they encourage by their Appearance at the Theatre, are full of wanton Sentiments, obscene Allusions, and immodest Ideas, contain'd in Expressions of a double Meaning: for it cannot be imagin'd they would bear with Unconcernedness, much less with Pleasure, Discourses in Publick, which they detest as unsufferable in private Convention, if they knew them to be unchast.

The Trasopogon, or Goatsbeard, is now, as well as in the former Month, fit for boiling; it is in much request in some of the Western parts of England, especially about Bristol, as I am inform'd, where the Country People call it Trangompoop, or Crangompoop, a corruption, as I suppose, from the true Name above written: This is eaten like Asparagus, and dress'd the same way, the part which is eaten is the blossomy Bud a little before it would flower, with about six Inches of the Stalk to it.

Then they inquired who this thing had done, And were inform'd it was the Timnite's son; Because his father took his wife away, And gave her his companion to enjoy. And the Philistines came up, full of wrath, And burnt with fire, her and her father both.

Celinda has inform'd me true 'tis she Good morrow, Brother, what, so early at your Devotions? Cel. Friend. Your Orizons are made to a fair Saint. Pray, Sir, what Lady's that? Or is it blasphemy to repeat her Name? By my bright Arms, she's fair With what a charming Fierceness, she charges through my Body to my Heart. Death! how her glittering Eyes give Fire, and wound!

Q. C. S. My Lord, while I am Queen I shall not think One Man too mean, or poor, to be redress'd; Moreover, Lord, I am inform'd your Laws Are grown so large, and daily yet encrease, That the great Age of old Methusalem Would scarce suffice to read your Statutes out." There is also much more than merely transitory satire in the speech of "Firebrand" to the Queen: "Firebrand.

The Potatoe now begins to be gather'd, and is a very useful Root, being either boil'd or roasted in hot Embers; and after it is boiled, to be broiled, or after boiling it tender, and beaten in a Mortar, it is used to thicken Sauces, and for making of rich Puddings, as I am inform'd by a skilful Person in this way.

However, I cannot pass over a very strange and extraordinary piece of Art which this Old Gentleman inform'd me of, and that was an Engine to screw a Man into himself: Perhaps our Country-men may be at some Difficulty to comprehend these things by my dull Description; and to such I cannot but recommend, a Journey in my Engine to the Moon.

When we had willingly acquitted our selves of this piece of humanity to Lycas, we pursu'd our design'd journey, and all in a sweat soon. reacht the head of a neighbouring hill, from whence we discovered a town seated on the top of a high mountain; we did not know it, till a shepherd inform'd us 'twas Crotona; the most ancient and once most flourishing city of Italy; when we enquir'd of him what sort of people inhabited this renown'd place, and what kind of commerce they chiefly maintain'd, since they were impoverish'd by so many wars?

I very soon was inform'd that these 3 was gone to the Eastward in quest of it, and some time after I followed myself with a small party of Men; but before I went away I gave orders that if Tootaha came either to the Ship or the Fort he was not to be detain'd, for I found he had no hand in taking away the Quadrant, and that there was almost a Certainty of getting it again. I met Mr. Banks and Mr.

I was fill'd with Amazement to see our Moderate Knaves so much out-done, and I was inform'd that all these things were meer Amusements, Vizors, and Shams, to bring an Innocent Prince into the Snare.

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