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Updated: August 7, 2024

HEGEL, and Germany, Helferich, and the capitalization of Germany, Herf, von, and Polish organization, Hindenburg, and the U.S. army, House, Colonel, and the reduction of the German army, and the reparations proposal, Hughes, W.M., Premier of Australia, and the German indemnity, Hungary, alarming mortality in, army of, conditions of life in, delegates of, at Paris Conference, harsh treatment of, losses of, by peace treaty, pre-war, revolutions in, 166 Hunger and disease, a legacy of war, Hymans, M., at Paris Conference,

Lloyd George and Wilson, and the atmosphere of the conclave seemed permeated with a spirit that induced calm satisfaction and the joy of elevated thoughts. M. Paderewski made a deep and favorable impression on the Supreme Council. Belgium sent her most brilliant parliamentarian, M. Hymans, as first plenipotentiary to the Conference.

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M. Hymans, however, by his warmth, sincerity, and courage impressed the representatives of the lesser states, won their confidence, became their natural spokesman, and blazed out against all attempts and they were numerous and deliberate to ignore their existence.

He considered it, therefore, inadvisable to settle this delicate matter by inserting the proposed declaration in the Covenant. Belgium's first delegate, M. Hymans, pointed out that the objection taken by his government was of a different but equally cogent character.

All the Catholics voted in favor; all the Liberals but two against it Burgomaster Max and Paul Hymans, Minister of Foreign Affairs; the Socialist vote was divided, 45 of the 56 in favor. It was accepted in the Senate April 14 by 60 to 33.

As a consequence, the Hymans were among the most eager of the spectators to get the first glimpse of honest Thade Crowley as he walked in front of his own particular lodge of the Hibernians. He was a portly, well-built man, of ruddy complexion, and open, genial countenance.

M. CLEMENCEAU: Je comprends tout cela dans mes trois mots, "Réparations des dommages." Je supplie le Conseil de se mettre dans l'esprit de la population française.... M. VESSITCH: Et serbe.... M. HYMANS: Et belge.... M. SONNINO: Et italienne aussi.... M. HOUSE: Puisqu'est une question importante pour tous, je propose l'addition de M. Clemenceau.

Le dialogue suivant s'établit: M. HYMANS: Cela serait-il une condition d'armistice? M. SONNINO: C'est plutôt une condition de paix. M. BONAR LAW: Il est inutile d'insérer dans les conditions d'armistice une clause qui ne pourrait être exécutée dans un bref délai.

Thereupon the Belgian delegate, M. Hymans, delivered a masterly speech, pleading for genuine discussion in order to elucidate matters that so closely concerned them all, and he requested the Conference to allow the smaller belligerent Allies more than two delegates.

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