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The crew swarm aloft; the soldiers, under proper guidance, are stationed at the halliards, and the tacks and sheets. The cable is slipped, single-reefed topsails, courses, topgallant sails, jibs, and driver set. Few among even the brave seamen who do not hold their breath and offer up a silent prayer that the ship may cast the right way. Hurra! round she comes. The sails fill.

In less than half an hour's brisk trotting we reached the stream, the banks of which were occupied by two cavalry regiments advancing to the main army; and what was my delight to find that one of them was our own corps, the 14th Light Dragoons! "Hurra!" cried Power, waving his cap as he came up. "How are you, Sedgewick? Baker, my hearty, how goes it? How is Hampton and the colonel?"

At length he rose and said: "'Gentlemen, are you charged fill high, gentlemen, for, though it's a low toast, we'll gloriously rise and drink it are you all charged? "'All charged, hurra, captain! "'Here, gentlemen, another of our charter toast The pope in the pillory, the pillory in hell, and the devils pelting him with priests!

"O, Phillips is right enough about that," added Codman, now evidently fast regaining his usual buoyancy of spirits; "yes, right enough about that, whether he was about that plaguey switching he gave us, or not. Why, I can feel a great change in the air here already! warm enough, soon; safe, at any rate; so, hurra for life and home, which, being once so honestly lost, will now be clear gain.

And hurra for the gallant Puck so gay, For he is a splendid one Wind and rain don't touch his tail, For his hair is thirty inches long.

"'Gentlemen, he proceeded, 'have a little patience I say the pope is a glorious and pious sight "'Undher God "'Silence Bob. "'But I mean when he's in the pillory ek; d n my honor, I have you all there! ha, ha, ha! "'Hurra, hurra, three cheers more for the captain!

But what though I fail in science, still, most revered and learned O'Donegan, I have ambition ambition and, come how it may, I will surge up out of obscurity, my old buck. I forgot to tell you, that I got the first classical premium yesterday, and that I am consequently no, I didn't forget to tell you, because I didn't know it myself when I saw you to-day. Hip, hip hurra!"

Purcel, and with the man but man you are not who declines my hospitality, I will keep no terms. Here's the 'Castle! long life to it, and may it never have occasion to read me a lecture for protecting a coward! Steady, men shoulder oines! ah, I'm a pearl before swine here: upon my honor and conscience, I'm nothing else hurra!"

To go no further in Europe than our immediate neighbour, France, let us ask whether Lord Palmerston did not bring us to the very verge, and keep us at it for many months, of actual war with that power, which is always unhappily eager to "cry hurra, and let slip the dogs of war;" and with reference to us, to go out of their way to create occasions for misunderstanding, and hostilities?

Hurra! whoo-rah! whoo-rah-ee! Kuk-kuk-ke-o-ho!" And the hunter was right, and the trapper was right. Their perils and physical sufferings were over. They were not only safe, but fast becoming comfortable.