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"Hurra, lads, we'll give it her if she does." They watched her eagerly. She was steering to the northward under all sail. There could be little doubt that she was in pursuit of the "Concorde."

"Why, it ain't usual," said the admiral, "to let ones house to two people at once, unless you seem quite to forget that I've taken yours. I may as well remind you of it" "Hurra" said Jack Pringle, at this moment. "What's the matter with you? Who told you to hurra?" "Enemy in the offing," said Jack, "three or four pints to the sou-west." "So he is, by Jove! dodging about among the trees.

"Time, my sons, time," shouted D., "attend to time. One two three; hip! hip! hip! hurra! hurra! hurra! nine times nine, my sons; hip!" and his voice was drowned in a perfect uproar. The next thing I heard was that Jacko, confused by the din of joviality, had decamped from the middle of the table where they had placed him, and broken his glass.

"'No, gentlemen, I am none of those things but a bold, honest, uncompermising Pruddestant who will support the church and Constitution for ever who will uphold Pruddestant Ascendancy to the Day of Judgment keep down Popery and treason and support civil and religious liberty over the world to all eternity. "'Cheers hurra hurra success brother Yellowboy.

"'Gentlemen, he proceeded, 'please to fill again I give you now the Castle Cumber press, the True Blue and Equivocal, with the healths of Messrs. Yellowboy and Cantwell. "'Hurra! Messrs. Yallowboy and Cant-well! hurra, Mr. Yellow, Mr. Yellow. "Mr. Yellowboy, who had not been able to come earlier, in consequence of the morrow being publishing day with him, now rose.

After some discussion, the court ordered a copy of the law to be procured; but the attorney abandoned the case, and the slave was set at liberty. As soon as this decision was announced, the throng of spectators, white and colored, began to shout, "Hurra for Mr. Hopper!"

"Get the poles and firewood get faggots," shouted some of the mob, and, lo, it was done almost by magic. They brought the faggots and wood piled up for winter use, and laid them near all the doors, and especially the main entrance. Nay, every gate or door belonging to the outhouses was brought forward and placed upon the fire, which now began to reach the upper stories. "Hurra fire! Hurra fire!"

Here, in Fahlun, the exhibition was friendly; the bridal pair smiled, the bridesmaids also, and the assembled crowd laughed and shouted, hurra! In the rest of the market-place and the streets around, there was dead silence and solitude. The roseate hue of eve still shone: it passed, changed into that of morn it was the Midsummer time.

Before the luckless doctor had a moment for thought, his legs were lifted from under him, and he was jerked, rather than placed, upon a chair, and put sitting upon the table. "Mr. O'Malley, your expulsion within twenty-four hours " "Hip, hip, hurra, hurra, hurra!" drowned the rest, while Power, taking off the doctor's cap, replaced it by a foraging cap, very much to the amusement of the party.

Cheer up, Ronald, I'm not so badly hurt as you fancy, boy." "Hurra, lads! here she comes again; we'll have her fast this time," shouted the captain at this juncture. The "Thisbe," deprived of her after-sail, paid off before the wind, and thus the French frigate ran directly into her, on the starboard quarter, the enemy's bowsprit hanging over the stump of her mainmast.