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Updated: August 1, 2024

If I find that I have left my business in good hands in the city, I shall feel strongly tempted to go home on the same steamer with you." "That would be hunky," said Bickford, really delighted. "We'd have a jolly time." I think we would. But, Mr. Bickford, I have no girls to welcome me home, as you have." "You ain't old enough yet, Joe.

When he left the tavern he bestrode one of his best steeds a black charger of unusual size, which he had purchased while on a trading trip in Texas and many a time had he ridden it while guiding the United States troops in their frequent expeditions against ill-disposed Indians. Taken both together it would have been hard to equal, and impossible to match, Hunky Ben and his coal-black mare.

Never had Buck Tom been nearer to his end than at that moment, for Hunky Ben, seeing clearly what would be the consequence of the Englishman's non-compliance with the command, was already pressing the trigger that would have sent a bullet into Buck Tom's brain, but the Englishman's strange conduct induced him to pause, and the effect on the robber caused him to raise his head and open wide his eyes also his ears!

"Clerk, strike Dennis Moriarty's fine off the list." "Thank you," said Peter to the saloon-keeper. "If I can ever do a turn for you, let me know it." "Dat's hunky," said the man, and they parted. Peter went out and walked into the region of the National Milk Company, but this time he went to the brewery. He found Mr. Bohlmann, and told him the story, asking his advice at the end.

The scout accepted the responsibility; the arrangements were soon made; "boots and saddles" was sounded, and the troopers rode away, leaving Charlie Brooke, Dick Darvall, Buck Tom, and the scout in possession of the outlaws' cave. When the soldiers were safely away Hunky Ben returned to the cave and brought Leather down.

He dragged me inside back of the statue, and says: "'Lay hold of it, Hunky. We'll pack it into the other room. I felt it all the time, says he. 'I'm the reconsideration of the god Locomotorataxia, and Florence Blue Feather was my bride a thousand years ago. She has come to seek me in the temple where I used to reign. "'All right, says I. 'There's no use arguing against the rum question.

A few minutes more and the broad-shouldered scout was also galloping along the road or track which led towards the Rocky mountains in the direction of Traitor's Trap. It was one of Hunky Ben's few weaknesses to take pride in being well mounted.

Next moment a compact line was seen to wheel round the bluff where the fight was going on, and a stentorian "Charge!" was uttered, as the United States cavalry, preceded by Hunky Ben, bore down with irresistible impetuosity on the foe. But the Indians did not await this onset.

Biography shall claim you but an instant I first knew Hunky when he was head-waiter at Chubb's little beefsteak restaurant and café on Third Avenue. There was only one waiter besides.

And much as I blab when I'm hunky, it's all air. Maybe you've noticed that about me. In some parts of Texas it's policy to be close-mouthed. Policy and healthy. Between ourselves, as friends, I want you to know I lean some on Steele's side of the fence." As I lighted a cigar I saw, out of the corner of my eye, how Hoden gave a quick start.

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