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Altogether at the modest little station of Cognac the total recorded by Senator Humbert's Journal was 228,500 tons-days. "All this during the most tremendous war the world has ever witnessed, in which hundreds of thousands of men have been slain, where we have continually been short of war material, while industry and commerce are agonizing for lack of means of transport.

The accomplishment of this constitutes the credit side of the balance sheet of King Humbert I. It was the error of King Humbert's greatest minister, Francesco Crispi, not to have understood his age. Crispi strove vigorously to restore the authority and the prestige of the State as against an individualism gone rampant, to reassert religious ideals as against triumphant materialism.

Yet Beorn asked me to pray for him, and that I had done, and it had kept me mindful when I had else forgotten. So began the work Humbert the Bishop foretold before he died, and that monk of his who saved his own life at Humbert's bidding for the work, saw it, and rejoiced.

Her mind was rapidly enlarging. She was unconsciously fitting herself daily more and more to be Philip's wife; whilst their very differences seemed to draw the three girls more closely together, and they felt by this time like sisters as well as companions. Lady Humbert's absence was a matter of some excitement to Kate and Cherry, upon whom many small duties now devolved.

Now and then, in the evenings, when the Americans were away, and Bobby was snug in bed, with Tucker on the tiny feather comfort at his feet, the Fraulein would come downstairs and sit in Black Humbert's room. At such times the niece would be sent on an errand, and the two would talk.

"Say, pretty child, art thou content with Cross Way House for a home; or dost thou wish to seek for another?" Cherry's answer was to put her arms timidly but lovingly about Lady Humbert's neck, as she answered, with a little sob of pure happiness: "With Cuthbert I should be happy anywhere, and I love Cross Way House dearly.

Le Journal, December 2, 1915. Organization and intelligence! With engines the experience was the same. The French Government, anxious to make up for the deficiency, purchased 140 engines of British make to be delivered some time in 1916. This cemetery of locomotives was photographed by the Journal. Such was the harvest reaped by the enterprising Senator Humbert's commission at that one station.

Here must they find shelter from their foes. It is Lady Humbert's will; I must fulfil it."

He was made prisoner, taken to Dublin, and executed there within a few days. Thus ended the second expedition from France for the relief of Ireland. Wolfe Tone meanwhile was waiting in France, hoping against hope. He had as yet known nothing of the fortunes and failure of Humbert's expedition. Some extracts from a letter written to his wife about this time have a melancholy interest.